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Brand Safety: What It Is and How to Protect Your Brand Online

Brand Safety: What It Is and How to Protect Your Brand Online

As a business owner, you are responsible for protecting your brand and its reputation. The Internet has become an increasingly important tool for businesses to reach potential customers and build their customer base - but it also holds immense power when it comes to damaging your brand.

To ensure that your online presence is safe from harm, it's important to understand the concept of brand safetyā  and how to protect yourself against digital risks.

This blog post will explain exactly what brand safety means and give you proactive strategies for safeguarding your brand online.

What Is Brand Safety?

Brand safety is a term used in the advertising and marketing industry to describe the condition of a brand being in a context where it is not likely to be associated with negative content, such as obscene or inflammatory language, hate speech, or terrorism.

The need for brand safety has become more pressing in recent years as social media has become an increasingly important platform for advertising. The vast and open nature of social media can make it difficult for brands to control the contexts in which their advertising appears. It can lead to brands being inadvertently associated with negative content, which can have a negative impact on their reputation and cause them to lose customers.

Brand safety is therefore an extremely important consideration for advertisers and marketers. They must ensure to place their brands away from harm and any hate speech/inflammatory content on the internet.

Here is an example of top coke brand's ad being displayed on violent content -

Coke Brand's Ad Being Displayed on a Violent Content

How Can You Protect Your Brand Online?

There are many things business owners can do to protect their brand online. One of the most important is to create a strong social media presence. It will help you monitor what is being said about your company and correct any inaccurate information.

You should also set up Google Alerts for your company name and ensure your website is fully protected with an SSL certificate.

Additionally, you can use TM protection to trademark your company name and logo. Doing all these things can help ensure your brand remains safe and secure from online fraudsters and imitators. For those unfamiliar with trademark concepts, understanding the basics of trademarks is crucial. A solid foundation helps you determine what aspects of your brand can legally be protected, thereby strengthening your online defense.

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) has introduced a list of harmful content to help businesses protect their brand reputation from unsafe content. The toxic content is referred to as the Dirty Dozenā  by the global advertising community that needs to be avoided.

IAB's List of Harmful Content to Avoid

Image Source: Silverpush

What Is the Importance of Brand Safety?

Brand safety is of utmost importance when it comes to advertising. As we all know, there are a plethora of ways for people to consume content online. There are also many opportunities for brands to be associated with content they may want to avoid being associated with. For this reason, brands must take measures to ensure their safety online.

One way that brands can protect themselves from potentially harmful or undesirable content is through brand safety platforms. These platforms work by scanning the internet for any mention of a brand and then flagging any potentially unsafe content. It allows brands to quickly and easily identify potential issues and take appropriate action.

While brand safety platforms cannot guarantee that a brand will never be associated with undesirable content, they provide a level of protection essential in today's digital world. By using a brand safety platform, brands can rest assured that they are doing everything possible to protect their image and reputation.

Importance of Brand Safety

What Constitutes a Brand Safety Violation?

Brand safety violations include anything from offensive or derogatory content to misleading or inaccurate content. In some cases, the violation may result from how the content is presented, while in other cases, it may be due to the nature of the content itself. Whatever the case may be, brand safety violations can have a serious impact on a company's reputation and can even lead to customers abandoning a brand altogether.

Top Reasons Why Consumers Distrust Brands

Image Source: MarketingCharts

There are several ways in which companies can protect themselves from brand safety violations. One of the most important is to ensure that they clearly understand what is and is not acceptable content. It means having policies that dictate what type of content is allowed and setting up filters to help identify potentially harmful content.

Companies should also be proactive in monitoring their brands online and take swift action when they find any violations.

Protecting Your Brand From Negative Content

It’s important to protect your brand from negative content. If someone posts something negative about your company online, it can damage your reputation and cause customers to lose faith in you. You can do a few things to help protect your brand from negative content –

  • First, make sure you have a social media policy in place. It will help ensure that all employees understand what is and isn’t acceptable behavior online. They should know not to post anything that could potentially harm the company’s reputation.
  • Second, be vigilant about monitoring the internet for any mentions of your company. Use search engines and social media monitoring tools to track what people say about you online. If you see any negative content, take action right away. Reply to the post, apologize if necessary, and try to get the conversation back on track.
  • Third, build a positive online presence. Ensure your website and social media profiles are filled with positive content about your company. Showcase customer reviews and the awards you’ve won. It will help drown out any negative content that may surface online.

By taking these steps, you can help protect your brand from negative content and take proactive steps to ensure a good reputation.

Monitoring Your Brand's Online Reputation

Online reputation management (ORM) is monitoring your brand's online presence and reputation. It includes tracking what people are saying about your brand online, addressing any negative comments, and taking steps to improve your online reputation.

ORM is important because it can help protect your brand's reputation and ensure potential customers have a positive impression of your company. It can also help you identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.

There are many things you can do to manage your brand’s online reputation, including:

  • Monitoring Your Brand’s Presence Online
  • Responding to Negative Comments
  • Developing Positive Content About Your Brand
  • Tracking Keywords and Search Results
  • Using Social Media Monitoring Tools
  • Creating a Crisis Plan
  • Monitoring Competitor Activity
How to Manage Your Brand's Online Reputation

Tips for Safeguarding Your Brand Online

Brands are constantly attacked online by counterfeiters and scammers looking to make a quick buck. Businesses need to take steps to protect their brand and their customers.

Here are some tips for safeguarding your brand online:

  1. Use trademarks and copyright notices prominently on your website and other online properties. It will help deter pirates and counterfeiters.
  2. Ensure your website is secure, with HTTPS and up-to-date security certificates. It will help protect your customers’ data.
  3. Monitor your online presence closely and be prepared to take action against anyone who infringes on your trademarks or copyrights.
  4. Educate your employees about how to protect the company’s brand online. They should be aware of the dangers of phishing and other scams and know how to identify counterfeit products. Authenticate your email domain with a DMARC policy to avoid spoofing or impersonation attacks.
  5. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends in online branding protection, and use the latest tools and techniques to keep your brand safe.

Brand safety protects your brand from negative content and reputation damage online. There are many ways to protect your brand, including monitoring your brand’s online presence, creating positive content, and using digital marketing tools. However, it is important to remember that the internet can be a dangerous place, and you should always take precautions to safeguard your brand from any attempts to malign your brand.

Protect Your Brand Online & Manage Online Reputation
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