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15 Ways to Boost Your Website's Traffic

15 Ways to Boost Your Website's Traffic

The traffic that a website attracts is crucial; it can be both the cause and the effect of a thriving business. Impressive website traffic helps entrepreneurs achieve their ultimate objectiveābusiness expansion and an ever-increasing customer base.

Optimizing SEO is an effective way to boost website traffic and rankings. However, it is not the only way. As a business owner, you should know how to diversify the incoming traffic. Relying on SEO alone is akin to putting all your eggs in one basket. So, if something goes wrong or Google rolls out an unpredicted algorithm update, your primary source of traffic, which is a search engine, in this case, may ditch you. It could also spell doom for your business.

Therefore, in this blog, we discuss various ways and practices that you can use to improve your website traffic without relying too heavily on SEO. Here we share 15 useful and mostly free tactics to boost your website traffic.

1. Use Schema Markup to Highlight Information on SERPs

Schema Markup is a code that you insert into your website to help the search engines return explanatory results for searchers. Adding it doesn't directly increase traffic to your website, but it makes search engine crawlers find and index your web pages. As a result, you get better search engine visibility and traffic. It also creates rich site snippets to bolster your click-through rate.

Here's an example of a website, Cute Calendar, that used Schema Markup on its events calendar page. The search result on Google looks like this:

Cute Calendar

Here is how you can use Schema Markup for SEO:

Go to Google's Structured Data Markup Helper to mark up elements on your page so Google can understand the data on the page.

Google Structured Data Markup Helper

1. Select the type of data: Choose one of the content formats such as articles, book reviews, and events from the several listed options.

  • Select Content Format
  • Paste the URL to markup
  • Select the elements

2. Continue adding markup items: Highlight the other things on your page to populate your markup list.  

3. Create the HTML: Click on Create HTMLā once you're done.  

4. Add Schema Markup to your site: Open your CMS or the source code and add the highlighted snippets at the right places.    

Add Schema Markup to Your Website

5. Test your schema: Use the Structured Data Testing Tool to see how the result will look on the SERPs.  

Google Structured Data Testing Tool

2. Add Internal Links

Adding internal links is a healthy SEO practice; they are as important as backlinks or external links. You must interlink your website's pillar content for the best user experience. It will make navigation easier and improve metrics such as "time spent on page" and "time spent on the website."

Internal Linking Process

Image courtesy:  Media Search Group

3. Interview Experts, Industry Influencers, and Thought Leaders

The objective of content marketing is to bring fresh content that offers value. You should invite people who can offer useful and fascinating inputs. Interesting interviews work across all major content formatsāblogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts.

It's even better if you can call over experts, industry influencers, and thought leaders for interviews. Popular names establish an instant connection, add to your credibility, and increase traffic. Celebs also share such interviews on their social handles, further enhancing your content's reach. It is an excellent exercise in giving a boost to personal branding and mutual promotion.

4. Use Email Marketing

Most businesses overly rely on content marketing and SEO these days. However, many other streams, such as paid social and email marketing, are equally effective, and you should not ignore them.

When done right, they can have a great reach and impact. Even a moderately successful email campaign can result in an instant spike in traffic. But make sure that you don't bombard your audience with frequent and unimportant messages. Instead, use emails to give them gentle reminders about your latest products and services.

5. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

80% of netizens used a mobile device to search the internet in 2019. Therefore, it's crucial that you optimize your website for mobile devices and tablets for a smooth user experience. An unresponsive website can result in a massive spike in the bounce rate. You don't want visitors to leave your website in no time; it will nullify all your marketing efforts.

6. Work on Your Site's Loading Speed

Poor site loading speed hurts user experience and may lead to many other severe consequences such as:

A. Google can penalize your website

B. Your rankings may drop overnight

C. Bounce rate may increase

D. Disappointed visitors may never return and even share their bad experience on social media  

To resolve these issues, you should:

A. Technically optimize all your website pages

B. Optimize image file size

C. Improve your page structure

D. Control the functionality of third-party plugins for optimal user experience

7. Be Active on Social Media

No user can spam any group or account for self-promotion on social media. However, even if your end goal is self-promotion, you need to participate with the online community and use relevant hashtags to provide context to your posts and conversations.

Be Active on Social Media

If your followers leave comments on your Facebook or Instagram business page, you should respond proactively and answer their queries. Don't use social media as your broadcast channel. It is meant for interaction, so engage with your audiences on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other platforms.

Tip: It will do well to remember Megan O'Neill's wise words when using social media for business: Before you sell on social media, interact, inspire, educate, entertain, and engage.

8. Use Videos

Videos are much more effective and entertaining than text-based content. Also, it is far easier to retain the information you consume via video. If you want to make your website engaging and attract new visitors, you should create high-quality videos that inform, educate, and entertain.

9. Host Webinars

A webinar is an effective way to share your experience and knowledge with an interested audience. Webinars should be an integral part of your digital marketing and social promotion campaigns. They will generate traffic and lucrative leads that you can nurture carefully through content marketing and personal interaction.

DashClicks Webinars

To make your webinar successful, send out a reminder email before the scheduled time to your subscribers and website visitors and use paid advertising to promote it. You should also send reminders and alerts with messages such as "last chance to register" 24 hours before the webinar.

It's a good practice to make your webinar content available after it's over through downloadable audio files and promote it on social media. To learn more on how to conduct a webinar, click here.

10. Advertise

Paid advertising is a great way to promote your website among untapped audiences. You can tweak paid strategies according to your business objectives. But study an advertising platform's pros and cons carefully before selecting it.

If you want your website traffic to translate into more sales, you should target keywords with "high purchase intent" when creating paid campaigns. These keywords and search terms may be costly, but the rewards will outweigh your spending.

11. Experiment with Your Content

To succeed at content marketing, you should experiment with different content formats and sizes. Content repurposing is a great option if you have a team working on your blogs. You can break your content into small chunks and convert it into picture messages, infographics, and videos for maximum impact.

Famous entrepreneur and internet personality GaryVee, for example, experiments with different content formats, especially "micro-content," which he creates from his event videos and long-form posts. He says he constantly creates and posts as much content as possible. However, he makes sure that each piece is specific to the platform he's posting it on.

GaryVee publishes a new episode of his popular GaryVee Video Experience every day and distributes it on his YouTube channel, Facebook Watch Page, and IGTV. Apart from that, he continually creates "micro-content" and shares it on his Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Quora, and other social handles.

To know how Gary Vaynerchuk makes 30+ pieces of content from a single keynote or event, visit the GaryVee Content Model.

GaryVee Video Experience

12. Write Compelling Headlines

The writers at Buzzfeed experiment with more than 20 different headlines before arriving at the one they publish. Headlines are crucial to attracting traffic. If you have a dull headline, most readers will bounce off and go elsewhere. Writing a compelling headline is an art that you need to master for successful marketing. You can try the blog topic headline generator to see what works. You can also read this post to learn how to write attractive headlines. Here's more about how Buzzfeed headlines work.

13. Make Use of On-Page SEO

Search engines rank optimized content on top, and SEO is still as relevant as ever. Make sure to add alt text to your images and create internal links in every post you publish. Don't ignore meta descriptions and meta tags. Optimizing your website for on-page SEO is a proven method to increase organic traffic and website visibility and rank on various keywords.

14. Target Long-Tail Keywords

Once you are done researching high-intent keywords and popular keywords in your niche, you need to experiment with long-tail keywords. It is the secret formula to attract enormous traffic to a website.

Target Long-Tail Keywords

Once a website starts ranking on long-tail keywords, it becomes visible on search engines and starts ranking on other keywords too. Long-tail keywords are used the most in web searches; if you are not targeting them, you're missing out on traffic and opportunities to rank on top of SERPs.

15. Start Guest Blogging

Guest blogging for a high-domain authority site is a surefire way to increase traffic to your site. It also helps build your brand.

Benefits of Guest Blogging

Google doesn't like users manipulating its results by overusing/misusing guest posting. Therefore, you need to stay away from spammy tactics and approach guest posting with caution.


This is an exhaustive list of the tactics you can try to ensure a consistent increase in your website traffic. Most of these strategies don't require any investment and can be implemented easily. If you've also got a list of proven tips that helped increase traffic to your website, please feel free to share them in the comments.

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