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6 White Label Reporting Features that Agencies Need
6 White Label Reporting Features that Agencies Need

Client reporting is an important part of running a successful digital marketing agency, thereby making reporting tools crucial for marketing agencies. Most agencies use third-party tools, but they don't want to see the tool's branding on their reports. It is because third-party logos and branding send a wrong signal to your clients that their work is being subcontracted. It puts a question mark on the efficiency of the agency itself.

Many tools that the agencies use give them a competitive advantage. So, there is no way you can suddenly stop using those tools. But, you would never want your clients to identify the tools you use. It justifies the practice of "white labeling" for agencies as it safeguards their branding interests.

What is a White Label Report?

White labeling allows you to add your own branding to the product or service marketed or sold by you regardless of where you have sourced it.

When we use a third-party reporting software but use our own branding, it's referred to as white label reporting; it doesn't threaten your agency's branding.

Reports are an integral part of your overall branding. That explains why you should include branding in your reports. It also gives a personalized touch to your reports.

Some clients are so demanding that they want their branding. At least, they want a combination of their logo and the agency logo on the reports.

DashClicks' White Label Reports

This article discusses the most essential white label reporting features that agencies need. These features will add a touch of branding to your company's deliverables. A white label reporting tool allows you to add your branding in six ways.

1. Allows You to Use Your Agency's Logo

As an agency, you would definitely like to see your logo on the white label reports that you get through your white label solutions partner. The location of the logo is also crucial. Usually, it is placed in the top right corner for better visibility but can also be added to the top left corner.

Your dashboards should also carry your branding. You can always use a Wordmark logo, but you don't need any of the taglines while using it. However, you are free to add a slogan or tagline if you are interested. You can also add your client's logo here, which will help you personalize and quickly sort your reports.

You can also add a logo on the cover page of your report. You can place your logo on the Dashboard in the top left corner. It will help your client feel a sense of belonging.

DashClicks' Dashboard App

2. Enables You to Add Your Branding on Cover Pages

A logo on cover pages reinforces your brand. Agencies also use it to impress their clients. Branding everywhere, right? As people frequently see reports, it's crucial to have your branding on the cover pages and the report title, time, and release date. It gives your reports a professional look.

Using a Woodmark rather than a logo will also be treated as a brand element and can be judiciously utilized with brand colors.

Sometimes, your clients would insist on combining your branding with their branding. In such situations, you can choose the colors from the color palette and save the cover page and the report to use later as a template. The next time you create an SEO report, you will not have to redesign your cover page. All you need to do is update the logo design, colors, and title.

3. Allows You to Add Vital Agency Info on Headers and Footers

Sometimes agency owners want to have their branding on every report page. In such situations, we would use branding on headers and footers. It helps your clients or anybody else using the report easily find your contact information. You can add this on every page.

However, avoid cluttering your reports with unnecessary information. Also, never paste images other than the logo because they look messed up. If you don't use your logo or Wordmark, you can use your agency's brand fonts and use your primary color for the text. It would suffice your branding needs.

4. Allows You to Match Your Brand Colors

Make sure you don't use unnecessary colors that are not your brand colors. In your reports, use your brand colors only. For example, if you have maroon in your palette, you can use that as the primary color of the font against similar colors such as red or orange. You can also choose specific colors for headings. White labeling also includes the background, row, and column colors in a table and element colors in a chart, such as lines, bars, and pie slices.

5. Enables You to Create Your Email Domain

Agencies share reports through email using PDF files or links to an online report. They also do it directly through the Dashboard. These are the automated solutions, so you need to ensure that they have agency branding in them. For example, the sender's name should appear as xyz@myagency.com and not a third-party domain name autogenerated by your email software, such as no-reply@my-report-vendor.com.

Your email domain strongly represents your branding. It also helps your clients identify the sender to open it. This becomes crucial when clients use strict email filters that dump such unbranded emails straight into the spam folder. Once your client safelists your email domain, your email will not land in their spam folder.

Sometimes, an agency assigns an account manager to send such reports and other important communication to specific clients. The email is delivered by the account manager's email account, which comes with an agency-branded domain. So, just by hitting reply on the email, your client can easily communicate with the right person, who is an account manager in this case.

6. Allows You to Host Dashboards On Your Domain

Agencies provide their clients with access to their white label reports through the white label dashboard. Luckily, you can also add your branding here. While providing the access, the agencies would use a unique subdomain to host all of the white-label reports generated for their clients.

All the clients have to visit that subdomain to view the reports by login into the URL, i.e., https://dashboards.yourdomain.com. It provides you complete creative control over the Dashboard's appearance and choosing the branding elements as per your wish.

How to Add White-Label Features?

Choosing a white label reporting software that allows you to personalize your white label report entirely is crucial. It applies to online reports, PDF files, and dashboards you create for your clients.

Start Building White-Label Reports With Your Branding

To scale your company and grow it, you need to create a strong brand. It is an identity that helps clients know about the company's services, its mission statement, and values. Your brand also reflects your commitment to your customers.

White label reports include your company's name, logo, brand colors, and other branding elements.

Your clients frequently log into their lead tracking dashboard, where they see your logo and other branding elements such as your agencyā€™s name on the platform and in the URL. Similarly, every time you send them an email about a fresh lead generated, your branding also appears here. According to stimulus and response theory in psychology, it leads to an intense brand reinforcement, where a client thinks of your agency whenever they think of a new lead.

Reporting Done Right WIth DashClicks
Knowing the Exact Metrics For Your Google Ads Campaigns So It Can Perform Flawlessly
Knowing the Exact Metrics For Your Google Ads Campaigns So It Can Perform Flawlessly

Understanding the user's intent is the key to success in marketing and advertising. Since it's difficult to crack the user intent code, you can use user data to solve the sales riddle. Your message should match with the people's needs and wants. And Google Ads has been developed to help you with this.

The only platform that can compete with Google in terms of sheer vast user data is Facebook, and Google wins hands down because of its ever-increasing search query volume. The latest data by Statcounter suggests the share of searches on different platforms is heavily tilted in favor of Google and its properties.

Search Engine Market Share in 2022

Image Source

Search query becomes a powerful indicator of intent as it reflects the searcher's state of mind. It proves that Google Ads is the king of all the ad platforms when it comes to creating adverts based on user intent.

Therefore, Google Ads is still the most popular advertising platform compared to Bing Ads and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, etc.Now, it's crucial to understand the paid search metrics that matter the most for marketers. This article will provide you with the top 10 Google Ads metrics that marketers are using across the globe.

1. Impressions

Impressions are simply the number of times an ad appears before a user. Usually, it's flashed either by Google or Google Display Network. However, it can't be determined if every time an ad is shown on a SERP, it's indeed seen by a user or not.

2. Clicks

Clicks is a highly relevant metric as it reflects the active responses your ad receives. When your ad catches someone's attention and they feel compelled to click the blue link, it's known as a clickā . It will still be counted as a click even if users aren't able to reach your website after clicking the blue link, because of issues such as poor Internet connection or a 404 error.

3. Cost

Money is an important consideration as it decides whether you're able to achieve your goals within your budget or not. It tells you how expensive your campaign has been so far.

4. Average Cost Per Click

This metric tells you how expensive the clicks have been in your campaign. Divide the overall money you've spent on your campaign by the number of clicks you have received and you'll find out the CPC.

5. Conversions

Conversion is a metric that shows whether a user has taken the desired action or not after clicking the blue link. It can be a newsletter sign-up, filling up a subscription form, web page visit, a pdf download, a survey, landing page views, or simply impressions.

Goals of Conversion Strategies

6. Impressions by Campaign

Impressions by campaign is used when you need to compare the performance of different campaigns. Classify the total number of impressions by each campaign you ran and you'll receive the numeric value of this metric.

7. Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

CTR is a critical metric that tells you the rate or ratio of people actually clicking your ads out of those who just happen to see your ad. Divide the total number of clicks by the number of impressions your ad receives and you'll get the CTR.

CTR Optimization Strategies

Image Source

8. CTR by Ad Groups

When you run Google Ads, you divide the ads based on the set of keywords targeted. These divided segments are known as ad groups. So, CTR by ad group stands for the CTR of each ad group.

This metric helps you discover the keywords and topics that have the necessary volume to generate results.

9. CTR by Campaigns

When the click-through rate is studied with respect to individual campaigns, the metric is known as CTR by campaigns. This metric helps you in multiple ways. For example, you get to know which keywords, ad groups, and campaigns are yielding the best results and generating engagement.

10. Cost Per Conversion

This is one of the most critical metrics that determines which strategy to continue with and what to chuck out. It gives you the average cost per conversion in a campaign. To determine this metric, divide the total cost of the campaign by the number of conversions.Remember, conversion is not always referred to as a prospect turning into a paying customer. A conversion is the attainment of anything that you set as your campaign objective, such as a signup or download, etc.

Track All Your Crucial Paid Search Metrics in One Place

As discussed above, there are several crucial metrics that marketers need to track for an actual assessment of your campaign performance. However, it can be a nightmare to track them separately. One way to remove this hassle is to go for Google Ads Integration into DashClicks' white-label platform. It lets you visualize your campaign performance in a single dashboard with the help of graphics and tables. It also allows you to generate ad reports instantly for your own review purposes, or share them with your clients along with your branding on them.

Google Ads Integration with DashClicks' White-Label Platform

When you avail DashClicks' Google Ads Fulfillment service, you get access to our white-label platform trusted by thousands of agencies worldwide for its quality Google Ad services.

Google Ads Campaign Interface

When you implement our Google Ads Integration, you get detailed reports at the ad sets and campaign level. These reports facilitate you to analyze numerous pieces of random data by presenting them at a granular level. They also provide you with the insights into the campaigns and ad sets that are performing at the top and what you need to do to further improve their performance.

KPI Reporting and Campaign Monitoring

What sets this platform apart from others is the fact that it allows you to get the desired KPIs with a single click. So, you don't need to dig through loads of complicated datasheets. Differentiate between what's performing and what's not without getting into the tedious process of analysis and manual reporting. With Google Ads Integration into our White-Label-Platform, you can streamline everything and save hours of productive time from being wasted in manual processes.

Google Ads Integration With DashClicks

Search and Shopping

Another feature of our Google Ads Integration is that you can combine both search and shopping ads through it. You can easily separate both types of campaigns to discover the ones that are delivering the best performance and ROI. With it, there is no place for guesswork and exporting numerous reports to understand the campaigns.


DashClicks' white label Google ads service is a boon for all kinds of agencies worldwide. With Google Ads Integration into our white-label platform, agencies get re-sellable plans that lead to huge profit margins for them. We also don't force you to choose a bundle of services and allow you to select only the ones you need. Automated ordering makes the entire process of getting the fulfillment services easier than ever. It ensures quality services, satisfied clients, and recurring revenue. Click here to get instant access to the platform.

Hire Result Oriented Google Ads Fulfillment Services Today
How to Track Facebook Campaign Analytics Data to Make Impactful Changes to Your Campaign?
How to Track Facebook Campaign Analytics Data to Make Impactful Changes to Your Campaign?

Facebook ad campaigns can be unpredictable. Sometimes you work rigorously and still are unable to achieve any significant results. Some of the campaigns turn out to be so ineffective that you don't see any noticeable leads, impressions, or sales regardless of your hard work and the tactics and strategies you employ.

So, what to do when you see that your campaign isn't moving in the right direction? In this situation, reporting and tracking become crucial. It allows you to adapt and learn from your campaign and make necessary changes to achieve desired results.

In this article, you’re going to learn:

  • Track data on your current and previous Facebook campaigns
  • A deep analysis into the most relevant metrics by using campaign breakdowns
  • Generate automated reports for your campaigns
  • Overview of campaign objective and advertising objectives
  • Add the metrics to a report
  • Examine data at the ad set and campaign level
  • Collate Ad Set results at Ads level
  • Analyze frequency data
  • Analyze frequency and data at the Ad level

So, let's dive in.

The sales funnel is relevant even in Facebook ads. Ad objectives and content are chosen according to the target user's stage in the sales funnel. The goal is to create the desired impact on users. It can be raising awareness, generating sales, or raising consideration.

Let's discuss an ad campaign to understand its objectives. Open your Facebook Ads Manager account and analytics dashboard and click the buttons in the following order.

When you click on the Create button, a separate window will open where you can choose your campaign objective.

Create New Campaign

The metrics will change according to the campaign objectives. So, the metrics for a sales campaign will be different from brand awareness. The emphasis should be on the metrics that can denote ROI on the ad. The metrics will also change according to the targeted stage in the sales funnel.

The first stage is the sales funnel, also known as the upper funnel, and it denotes the stage where a business tries to attract the audience. The second stage is the middle funnel, also referred to as the consideration stage, and this is where your target audience converts into qualified leads. The lower funnel metrics measure conversions and sales because a prospect becomes a paying client.

Hence the best metrics for the upper funnel can be click-through rate or impressions. The most relevant metric for the lower stages can be the cost per lead, which denotes the ROI on the campaign. The less cost per lead you achieve, the more cost-effective your ad campaign would be.

The selection of Facebook ad metrics to track the campaign performance mainly depends on the purpose and logic behind the metric.

We will try to explain it here. But, before we do it, we will explain how the Facebook Ads dashboard works.

How Does Facebook Ads Dashboard Work?

Facebook Ads Analytics Dashboard allows you to track your paid campaigns. It also helps you analyze what works and whatnot. So, it serves as the best tool that provides you deep insights into how to optimize your future ads and increase their ROI.

How to Create an Ad with Facebook Ads integration?

Facebook Ads integration allows you to amplify your marketing campaigns by tapping into social media audiences. With Facebook Ads integration, you can create ads for Facebook and set a budget for them. Facebook allows laser-sharp targeting through its various targeting options.

Make sure you follow Facebook ad requirements, or else Facebook can reject your ads.

How to Integrate Facebook Ads?

  1. Look for Menu > Integrations.
  2. Look for Facebook Ads integration and Click Details over it.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. And the integration will start.
  5. Enter your login details and start the integration process.

How to Create a Facebook Ad?

To create a Facebook ad, take the following steps.

  1. Look for Menu > Facebook Ads.
  2. Click on Create ad.
  3. Name the ad campaign.

How to Create an Ad in the Conversion Funnel?

Follow these steps to create an ad directly in the Conversion funnel:

  1. Look for Menu > Conversion funnel
  2. Choose your Conversion funnel
  3. Click on Create an ad.
  4. Name the ad campaign.

How to Add the Metrics to a Campaign Report?

To create your view of the Ads metrics, use the customize columns function.

Use Customize Column Function

Can you see the bulleted list of metrics in the picture above? These are the metrics you can choose for your custom view in the Facebook Ads Manager.

On the same screen, if you look at the list on the right side, you'll find a list of Facebook campaign ad metrics that you already use.

Customize Columns in Facebook Ads Manager

The items in this list can be dragged, removed, or arranged in the order you want.

If a suitable metric isn't available in the given list, create a new one by clicking on Create Custom Metric.

Now, we will explain how we add metrics.

For precise tracking, the following four metrics are pretty significant:

  1. CTR (Link Click-Through Rate): This Facebook ad campaign metric is relevant for precisely tracking link clicks and not all the irrelevant clicks while monitoring the campaign performance.
  2. CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions): The metric indicates the effectiveness of an ad.
  3. CPC (Cost per Link Click): It gives us an idea about the ROI.
  4. Frequency: The number of times a user views a particular ad.

You can search each of these metrics through the search field and check them as they appear in the search results. This way, you can set up your custom view to analyze Facebook Ads data.

Facebook Ads Integration with a White-Label-Platform

You can use DashClicks' Analytics app to manage your ad campaigns and collect leads on a single dashboard through Facebook Ads integration. It makes ads management easy.

Facebook Ads Integration with DashClicks' Analytics App

Use DashClicks Agency opportunity and offer Google and Facebook ads services, among others. It has the following three features.

A. Facebook Ads Campaign Interface

Dashclicks displays granular level reporting for campaigns and ad sets to help you thoroughly analyze and review your ad strategy. It's challenging to analyze multiple pieces of disorganized data unless it's presented as meaningful reports that help identify which ads are performing better than others. With the help of DashClicks' InstaReports, you can also specify the best performing ad sets and the ad strategies yielding the best results.

B. KPI Reporting and Monitoring

Managers don't need loads of data. They need the KPIs that matter the most. After your Facebook Ads integration with the DashClicks' white-label platform, you get the desired KPIs with a single click. These metrics will help you dive into the nitty-gritty of ad analysis within seconds. Say goodbye to the old-fashioned tedious manual reporting and analysis. You'll find everything in one hub.

C. Facebook and Instagram Integration

With DashClicks' beautiful interface, you don't need to pull and export multiple reports to analyze your ads' performance. Pull and report on Facebook and Instagram metrics simultaneously, all at one glance.

Agency owners use InstaReports to generate multi-channel business reports on the fly for their prospecting campaigns.

Leverage InstaReports for In-Depth Performance Reporting

Analysis of the Results At the Campaign Level

It is the most popular method to check a campaign's performance. The relevant metrics are impressions, reach, results, and Cost per Result. If you want more adjustments, analyze data at the ad level.

Analysis of the Results At the Campaign Level

First, determine how much you can afford to invest in your ad campaign. You can decide this amount based on the niche you are operating in and your business requirements.

Paying a high Cost Per Click or Result isn't logical when promoting a free webinar or boosting branding. It won't pay off. On the flip side, if you are selling a premium product such as VIP coaching or a high-end course, paying a high Cost Per Result may be justified.

Similarly, we can also track data at the ad set level.

Analysis of the Results At the Ad-Set Level

Let's begin by pressing the Ad Sets tab.

Even if some ads perform better than others, it won't signal a campaign success. Good results of an ad set don't mean that the campaign is achieving its desired objectives. If you dive deeper, you'll find that Impressions and the Cost Per Result are useful metrics here.

Comparing Different Ad Sets for Impressions And Cost per Result

You need to keep a tab on your overall ad spend and keep low-paid ad sets running. You should control your spending by paying a higher amount per Result to allow this to happen. It becomes even more critical if the ad-set yields more results.

If you want to make a cost projection and are clueless about it, use Ad Set Budget Optimization. Doing a campaign budget optimization wouldn't be helpful here.

To do that, go through the following steps.

Find the Campaigns tab>>Press the Edit button>>Uncheck the Campaign Budget Optimization box.

Campaign Budget Optimization

If you don't check the campaign budget optimization, you let Facebook decide which ad-set to focus on and spend more funds on. However, if you uncheck it, you get complete control over which ad to focus on and divert your funds.

You can also check the Ad Set Optimization option. Another option is to create different Ad sets with similar ads running. So, the change in results would not be because of the ad variation but due to the audience.

Pro Tip: To see normalized Cost Per Result, you may require at least 50 events, such as conversions and purchases. So, you can delay your budget decision till you complete this many events. If the number of events is less than 50, your budget estimation may be slightly skewed.

Analyze Different Ad Sets for Cost per Result

How to Compare Ad Set Results at the Ad Level?

Regardless of the number of ad sets running, Facebook will pick only one to utilize the budget and get more reach, even if it's a bit expensive.

Sometimes Facebook chooses a particular adset simply because it has more ads. More variables and formats mean more data to analyze and, therefore, more leads. It also allows Facebook to serve people's needs with greater flexibility.

Besides the number of ads, another crucial consideration is frequency while analyzing Ad Set level data.

What is the "Frequency Metric" in FB Ads?

Frequency is an exciting factor while running ads. You might have seen irritating ads appearing over and over again while using Facebook. It often leads to user frustration and ad fatigue. Apart from that, this will increase your Cost per Result, squeezing your budget faster.

To prevent this from happening, reschedule your ads as soon as the frequency value crosses two. It's possible to analyze frequency at the Ad set and Ad level.

Analyze Frequency at the Ad Set and Ad Level

Frequency again becomes a crucial metric when running retargeting campaigns. You don't have a vast audience compared to the primary ads while running "retargeting" ads. When running several ads, your frequency may go down, but it will increase if you have a high budget. Increased funding becomes a prerequisite since you target a smaller audience during a retargeting ad. You can use Ad Set Budget Optimization to resolve this issue.

How to Analyze Data at the Ad Level?

If you are looking for the ads data, go to the Ads tab. You can easily find the specific ad sets with the most impressions and reach.

Analyze Campaign Data At Ad Level

Many factors can cause the difference in the engagement levels for different ads, such as background, colors, message, etc. You can remove the ads with poor results and divert your resources to the best-performing ads.

Now imagine another scenario. Spot the ad with higher reach and lower Cost per Result. You must be wondering what caused such gaps in ad performance even though the target audience is the same. Let's analyze this.

Analyze Ad Campaign With Higher Cost per Result

Visibility and size of the various elements on the ad, such as logo, etc., can also be responsible for this variation. For example, smaller icons have more visibility for users familiar with your brand. A large logo can be distracting and difficult to identify and differentiate. If you dig into why some ads aren't performing that well, you can vastly improve your future ads. Once you form an opinion, test it by adding new test ads.

Now, test an ad within an ad set to see why it's performing better than others.

Examine Different Facebook Ad Campaigns

You will achieve a higher click-through rate if the featured images in the ad are known faces for your target audience. A straightforward ad strategy analyzes different ads and adds the features of the best performing ads in your next ad. Combine the best ad features identified after a deep analysis. Still, the best performing ad would be the one with reduced Cost per Result.

How to Analyze the Frequency at the Ad Level?

Now, you'll learn to monitor the frequency metric at the ad level. You can't dramatically increase the frequency value by just multiplying the number of ads running. So, when frequency increases, the Cost per Result should go down. It would be a folly to pause an ad even if it's generating leads and attracting eyeballs. It's time to halt an ad set at a high frequency when the cost per click increases.

However, you can still tweak that ad for better performance, and in most cases, this strategy will work. There is no need to pause an ad that's performing even if it's less than other ads.

To tweak an ad, you can analyze it as explained above. Take care of the user perspective while making any changes to an ad.


We have summed up some practical strategies and tactics you should know as a marketer. You can create a few templates for a fair analysis of the ads if you're still a beginner. But, once you understand how Facebook's ad platform works, you can create your custom views and custom metrics for better analysis. You can download various pre-made templates from the Internet. If you can collect more data about your customers, you can create custom ads based on those insights into user preferences. The objective should be to minimize the Cost per Result.

Facebook also offers a fantastic feature known as Facebook audience interest suggestions. You can use this feature to create laser-sharp targeted ads.

If you want to boost the performance and ROI of your Facebook ad campaigns, you should consider hiring our white label Facebook ads services.

Share the metrics you would use in your custom view. Is there any metric that works better than the ones we have mentioned above? What else would you do to analyze Facebook ads data? Let's know in the comments.

Enhance the Performance of Your Facebook Ad Campaigns
How to Create White Label SEO Reports and Automate Them?
How to Create White Label SEO Reports and Automate Them?

Just the idea of generating SEO reports may cause many to shudder. Yes, most digital marketers would agree that generating reports is not only time-consuming, it’s tedious. The truth is, you could do it within a few seconds using a white label automation software. What’s more, these reports are engaging, exhaustive, and beautiful.

White label SEO reports provide your clients with complete SEO analysis complete with insights into traffic and rankings of your website. People love them because they help them in decision-making. These colorful reports fetch data directly from the dashboard and present it in an easy-to-understand manner using the metrics crucial for decision making.

So, you can very well use it for prospecting and impressing your clients. Wish to leverage white-label reports to boost conversion, save time and increase productivity?

This article will discuss the advantages of and how you can set up white-label SEO reports.

This article covers the following topics:

  1. What is a white label report?
  2. What are automated SEO reports?
  3. What are the benefits of automated SEO reporting?
  4. How to choose an automated SEO reporting tool?
  5. How to create automated white-label SEO reports for your clients?

What is a White-Label SEO Report?

White-Label SEO reports are standard reports downloaded from a tool like InstaReports. They are different because you won’t find any traces of the software that created them. Instead, the reports carry your branding and logo.

White-Label SEO reporting tools save you enormous time by fetching data from various sources and arranging it in aptly presented graphics and charts. For many agencies, they are a life-saver as they would otherwise spend countless person-hours to generate such reports.

What are Automated SEO Reports?

Most agencies send SEO reports periodically to their clients. A lot of time and effort is required to generate such reports. On top of that, some of their most productive employees are assigned this tedious manual task, hurting their productivity badly.

Automation software comes as a blessing to help you in this. Automation tools such as DashClicks InstaReports can send reports automatically regularly. No hustle is required from your side.

Set up the most crucial metrics you want on your report, add the recipient’s name, and set the frequency, i.e., weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.

InstaReports will gather your data and present it in a professional graphics-rich SEO report.

It saves you from:

  • Scheduling reports repeatedly
  • Errors while sending those reports, i.e., address and date mismatch, etc.
DashClicks' InstaReports App

What are the Benefits of Automated SEO Reporting?

Here are the significant benefits of using automated SEO reporting -

1. It Allows You to Invest Your Time in Planning and Other Strategic Activities

Ready-to-go reports save you time, money, and productive hours of experts. It frees you to devote your resources and attention to other crucial tasks such as planning campaign activities, content creation, measurement, and supervision.

2. It Allows You to Delegate Monotonous and Boring Jobs to Machines

Most agency owners love delegating monotonous and boring routines to advanced software and tools. And it has become a trend now.

3. It Saves You Enormous Time and Money

Every minute is precious for digital marketing strategists and executives, and you shouldn't waste that on meager tasks such as preparing reports and sending them to different clients.

The number of tasks you handle per day also increases with the business growth. You can automate certain specific tasks, but you can't automate all.

4. It Helps You Get Insights Into Your Business

Sometimes, the daily grind prevents you from analyzing the growth and rankings of your agency. With automated reporting, you can fetch your website's SEO reports and share it with your team, so they can fix the issues well within time and prevent loss of traffic and revenue.

Since it takes no time, you can add it to your weekly tasks to keep your SEO team informed about the latest developments.

Most agency owners know that they should involve their team members in their website's performance and overall business growth. A little effort in this direction will pay you recurringly.

How to Choose an Automated SEO Reporting Tool?

With increasing competition in the market, it's natural to ask how to choose an automated SEO reporting tool.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. Don't Get Impressed by Their Marketing

Loud marketing doesn't mean that you are getting the best deal. Know your basics and assess how the software can help you deal with your specific issues and add value to your business. It should help you in your client retention.

2. Your Software Should Be Easy to Set Up

If it requires more time and hassle to set up, then it defeats the very purpose it's created for. DashClicks' InstaReports is easy to set up and offers many features that will stun you.

3. It Should Help You in Prospecting

Your automated SEO reporting tool should help you in prospecting. It's one innovative use of the tool that we recommend to our users. The beautiful reports presented by the tool can instantly be created and used to impress your prospects. This approach helps you get an appointment quickly. Here is the entire modus operandi of prospecting with InstaReports you can try for excellent results.

4. It Should Help You Structure Your Sales Process

Your SEO reporting tool should help you structure your entire sales process. The following video explains what each sales process step is meant to accomplish. It also explains how to structure your closing call. Learn what to say to your prospects and how to ask for money.

5. It Should Offer Real-Time Data

Since your reporting software is all about analytics, it must provide updated and fresh data. It should search, collect, and analyze the information in real-time. Since the reports are used for decision-making, it may affect the quality of strategic decisions if you don't get updated data.

6. It Should Allow Customization

Your reporting software should allow customization according to clients' specific needs. InstaReports is the best SEO reporting tool in the market as it enables you to choose the metrics according to your clients' needs and set different report-sharing frequencies. You can decide how often the reports are sent in a month and when. You can choose to send weekly, fortnightly, monthly or bi-monthly reports from its frequency settings.

7. It Should Allow Keywords Segmentation

At times, you need to track thousands of keywords for different clients, and you also want your reports to be neat and clean at the same time. So, if your reporting tool offers keyword segmentation, you can easily separate branded keywords from popular ranking keywords. You can also combine keyword groups. It allows you to customize your reports' setup to get the required insights.

8. It Should Also Provide Insights About On-Page or Technical SEO

Your reporting tool should provide in-depth information about on-page SEO, also known as technical SEO. On-Page SEO is a crucial factor in ranking, and you can't ignore it, especially if you have a large website with multiple pages.

9. It Should Provide Progress Reports

The ultimate purpose of an SEO report is to provide a bird’s-eye view of the progress made. It should also figure out the milestones to achieve. Most users need the following information points in the reports:

  • Overview of position/ranking changes
  • Search volume and potential of the keywords
  • Traffic brought by different keywords
  • Distribution of positions across the website

To provide stunning SEO reports, your reporting software should use state-of-the-art technology and be glitch-free. Still, it can't be ideal for all kinds of customers as many use their tools for branded SEO reports. However, agencies should have access to a tool that offers impressive features, works in real-time, and provides insightful reports for quick decision-making.

DashClicks' InstaReports, for example, comes very close. Apart from monitoring the performance of your website, it also provides you with the action steps required to fix those issues.

Furthermore, you can use it for business purposes as it offers precise reports in seconds.

It's not a standalone software, as it works on the DashClicks white-label platform and is powered by DashClicks' ecosystem comprising many other applications.

How to Create Automated White-Label SEO Reports for Your Clients Using InstaReports?

InstaReports uses the contact information available in your Contacts app to generate standard SEO reports. You can use it to sell your services.

InstaReports will automatically analyze a user's website performance when you feed the necessary information to it. It also provides a list of errors in your website and the optimizations you need to perform.

To access the InstaReports app, go to the app drawer in the top right corner of the DashClicks white-label dashboard>>Click on InstaReports>>Go to Templates.

DashClicks' InstaReports Template

The default page contains eight unique templates. However, only one is currently available, titled “Digital Overview.”

It provides a complete overview of the client’s online presence.

It includes the following:

  • Social media presence
  • Directory listings
  • Business reviews
  • Google ads and Facebook ads
  • Website health SEO

A specific score is assigned to each metric. Click on “Preview” to see the demo report. Navigate further and see what it looks like.

Now hover over and click “Build.”

The second tab in the InstaReports app is “My InstaReports.” It includes the table of InstaReports your team builds. If a report is pending from your side, the table will appear empty.

For more details, click this video link.

Final Thoughts

Reporting is a necessary evil for many, but it shouldn't be taxing and time-consuming. We hope this article explains why it's so crucial to use automated SEO reports and how to use these reports for prospecting, evaluating website performance, and decision making. We also explained how to use these SEO reporting tools and the main factors that will propel you to use automated reports from now on. Let's hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Reporting Done Right With DashClicks' InstaReports
How to Develop an Irresistible Offer Selling Websites That Takes Seconds to Create?
How to Develop an Irresistible Offer Selling Websites That Takes Seconds to Create?

Selling digital marketing and SEO services can be challenging for a newbie agency. Increasing competition, lack of trust, and price wars are some reasons. So, why don't you develop an irresistible offer that people can't reject so quickly?

Digital marketing starts with the creation of a professional website. Agencies should sell websites to their clients as part of their SEO and digital marketing package. Sometimes, the website's look, design, and user interface can be a game-changerāa good website matters when you start web-marketing your business. After all, things that are well begun are already half done.

This article will explain how you can instantly create a professional-grade niche-based website of 50-60 pages using the InstaSites tool and resell it for free to your prospects.

What is the "InstaSites" Tool?

A brilliant marketing idea is to create a content-ready website for prospecting purposes. When a client sees a pretty-looking yet professional website that can engage and convert visitors and has the potential to rank high on search engines, they are impressed. But creating professional websites in bulk for prospecting purposes is easier said than done. If you have the experience of getting a website designed by designers and developers, you must be familiar with the back and forth involved with the process. It involves multiple rejections and endless rounds of feedback to even get one website up and running.

DashClicks came up with a beautiful solution to this problem. We combined the power of software with strategy, and a lethal prospecting tool was born, namely InstaSites. With InstaSites, you can create multiple websites with a single click and show them to your prospects. All you need to do is choose a template based on your client's specific niche and enter the essential details. You can create multiple functional websites this way.

DashClicks' InstaSites App

DashClicks Platform is created explicitly for agency owners who want to scale their business. Apart from that, you can also use the platform to use important agency tools and client reporting tools, gain education, and access a single dashboard to monitor campaigns.

This article will explain how you can build and sell professional websites that can be created instantly and used for prospecting.

InstaSites was developed as an instant website creation tool almost three years ago. The idea was to create something that nobody has produced so far.

Creating an Irresistible Offer

Cold calling is the best way of prospecting, but are you doing the same thing everybody else is doing? Most agencies offer a free consultation, website analysis, and reporting, so what else are you bringing to the table? How can you win the deal if you don't differentiate yourselves from others?

How to Create a Website with InstaSites?

The tool's free version offers three insight belts per month and a single site builder. So, you can fill out the given form, and the software will create a professional website for you. It will remain in the tool's internal storage until you buy it and make it live.

You can choose from different templates meant for specific industries. We have dedicated web developers to develop these templates and content writers to add well-researched, quality content to them. If you select the insights plan, you can buy the website by paying a one-time fee of just $97 and a monthly fee of $25 for hosting. You also get access to the drag and drop platform. Once you do this, your client gets added to the dashboard automatically.

As far as conversion rate is concerned, SMS and email marketing both are effective, but SMS is far more effective as it has more chances of being seen.

DashClicks also allows you to send a link for the newly-created website to your clients through email or SMS, whichever is your preferred way of communication.

DashClicks' website builder "InstaSites" is different from the GoDaddy site-builder that most business owners use. It offers niche-based templates developed individually by our developers, so the websites don't look similar. It has relevant sections for each niche. For example, a residential painting website will include every single residential painting service such as roof painting, interior painting, and exterior painting docks, etc.

So, apart from access to the drag and drop web builder, your clients also get access to an actual dashboard, which is entirely white-labeled for your agency. Now, they can edit the site whenever they want. Along with that, your client also gets access to the CRM, where they will be able to review and get new leads.

How to Resell a Website Created with InstaSites?

The best way to sell digital marketing or SEO services is to create an irresistible offer. DashClicks has come up with a sales strategy for agencies that is ten times more effective than traditional sales strategies. In this, you resell a professional-grade website created with InstaSites for free and turn your prospects smoothly into your customers. Afterward, you can upsell your SEO and digital marketing services to your existing clients, which is more straightforward than selling your services to a stranger.

1. Making an Irresistible Offer

We have already explained how you can create a 50-60 page website using the InstaSites tool. The next step is to approach your prospects.

2. The Perfect Script for Your First Sales Call

How about approaching your clients saying,

"Hey! I have scanned your business and took the last couple of weeks to build a niche-based custom website as I felt that your current website was not serving the purpose. When you run paid ads, visitors come to your old website and may get turned off. My team and I have spent the last few weeks building a custom website designed specifically to attract and convert visitors to your business. I think you'd like it. Here is the quick link for you to view it. I can share the link via email, SMS, or instant messaging so that you can check it right away."

Your prospect is more likely to say "yes" if you approach them that way. Most people will be tempted to see how the new custom and responsive website looks. What's more, you've written the entire content, created graphics, and made a 40-50 page website for them. It sounds crazy, doesn't it? Why would someone do that and spend so much time and resources on it? That is, unless they're already serious about working with you!

This helps your prospects trust you from the get-go, and is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from others. Now, think about taking it to the next level.

3. Take It to the Next Level and 10X Your Results

Build a call center, call your prospects, share the newly created website you've designed explicitly for them, and fix an appointment.

This approach breaks the barriers of cold calling in which the prospect has no idea who you are and why you have called them. It happens in the absence of the trust factor. It increases the rejection rate and makes sales one of the most challenging jobs in the world.

4. Building Trust

Notice the difference in approach here. You're not begging for someone's precious time or attention. Instead, you have already spent time on their website and business and worked hard to build trust. All they need to do now is simply take a look at the website. This way, you break that crucial barrier of trust and help the relationship grow further.

Imagine calling someone, offering them a product with immense value, something they can clearly see. And the best part, you don't ask for their credit card first.

Leverage DashClicks' Instant Website Builder-InstaSites

The Secret Formula to Get 100 Sales Appointments a Day

Do some simple math to check how practical this approach is. Let's consider you make about 100 or 150 calls a day. Out of these, only 50 answered the phone. Out of these 50 people, only 30% gave you an appointment. You will do good if you have just 15 confirmed appointments every single day. It can be a game-changer.

Now, if you have ten telemarketing executives in your call center, the total appointments booked per day can easily exceed 150. Even if these numbers fluctuate a bit, you'll end up getting at least 100 appointments every day.

How to Subscribe to InstaSites?

To subscribe to InstaSites, sign in to your DashClicks account and click on agency>>Main Menu>>Agency Tools>>Insights.

Now you'll reach the subscriptions page.

One option is to offer the website for free and then package it with other marketing services. DashClicks usually charges $4K-5K for a 50-page website.

Step By Step Formula to Sell Your Digital Marketing Services

Here are the steps to sell your digital marketing services, beginning from offering InstaSites.

  1. Create professional websites using InstaSites for your target audience, and then:
  2. Set up a call center
  3. Ask your sales rep to offer custom websites free of charge to your prospects
  4. Send preview links for the websites to the prospects
  5. After three days, call up again to know their feedback about the preview
  6. Ask their permission to activate the site if they are happy with the preview
  7. After one week, call them again to know their feedback on the website, and:
  8. Offer local listings on some major listing networks
  9. Get these services fulfilled through DashClicks’ white label fulfillment center
  10. After two weeks offer SEO or Google Ads services and get them fulfilled through DashClicks.
  11. After six weeks offer social media account management and posting services and get them fulfilled through DashClicks.

When you offer an InstaSite to a client, it’s not complete in all respects. You can assure the client that you will complete it and add the desired content since you’ve already built it.

You can also add that you can help them with the SEO and Google Ads for their business and drive traffic to their brand new website that you are offering them for free. “Do you think it would be cool?” Most people will respond in the affirmation.

One week after you have shared the link to their dream website, you can call them again, introduce yourself, and say that you had activated an excellent website for them a week ago; and that you just wanted to know if they liked the website. Add that you wanted some feedback for your team. You have worked hard on the design and got it up so fast, so it looks better than your prospect's existing website.

Furthermore, you're offering a 60-page website for just $200, whereas they usually pay around 4K dollars for such a website. That's awesome! You can say that since you are calling from the customer service department, you also took a look at the web marketing of your website, and you can help them a bit with traffic and online marketing as well.

You can inform them that they aren't receiving enough traffic. Your prospect's Google Maps listings are insufficient, and they are not posting on social media consistently. If they want to increase the traffic to their website, you can sign them in for an ongoing promotion, where you'll create 70 crucial local listings on some major listing networks for just $199. These listing networks include some fantastic networks such as Google Business listing and Yelp, etc. Tell them that you will send a list of networks after the call.

Pro Tip: Don't be too aggressive, especially in the beginning. Be strategic with your offerings, fees, and outreach.

People make the mistake of offering everything in the beginning for several thousand dollars and, as a result, lose most of the prospects. Offer value but most importantly, approach gradually and slowlyā in bits.

After three weeks, you can call again. We are assuming that they have already activated the website and availed of the local listing services at this stage. Ask them for their feedback so you can share it with your team. When you hear about the positive feedback for your exemplary services, you can move to the next level.

Congratulate your clients and wish them more success. Also, add that they are not consistently posting on their social media channels, and you can provide this service for a reasonable cost. Tell them that social media is an excellent source of leads and brand building, and they shouldn't ignore that. You can also inform them that their website is not ranking for the popular keywords in their niche and that you also provide quality SEO services to them. As you're running a promotion these days, they can get a decent discount on these services.

Again you can price your SEO services @$99 a month, and that's a promotional price. You'll not win the contracts frequently if you offer the combined services at $10K per month. Selling twenty websites at $199 per month is always better than selling one website for $10K a year. So, aim for volumes and add them in a sequence. Avoid overselling. Keep it realistic and repeatable.

If you charge $49 per month for a website and sell 20 such websites, your monthly earnings will be $980.

When you pay the fees for white-label dashboards, you consistently earn a handsome income. Moreover, you don't savagely charge thousands of dollars from a single customer. Besides that, you earn recurring revenue.

Furthermore, DashClicks doesn't charge any setup fee from the agencies, so you can keep that in your pocket.

When you sell SEO services, don't charge a setup fee of $99. Instead, set a reasonable price of $99 per month because you can justify that.

After two months, when your client's website starts ranking for specific keywords, you can offer your PPC services as well.

The idea is to offer a website to interest your prospects, and let DashClicks do all the hard work. It's that simple.

Sales Call Script for Call Center Executives

Here is a sample sales call script for your reference.

"Hey Sam, how are you doing? My name is XYZ. I'm calling from ABC digital marketing agency, and I would like to tell you that I was going through your website. I see that your website design is outdated, and it has content that is not optimized for search engines. As a result, the website is not performing well in Google. So, I discussed it with my web development team and built a brand new website for you. It may sound crazy since I'm making a random call, but we are passionate about working with you.

So, I took the time to find the critical issues with your website and created a professional-grade website relevant to your niche that contains optimized content to rank better on search engines. I'm looking for similar businesses in this area to work with as I have expertise in this niche. I would love to send you the link to the website specifically created for you. This link contains the preview. If you are interested, I can activate that for you. So, may I know your email address, or if you want, I can also send you the preview link via SMS.

I'll send you the link through an email and a text message, which will include my contact information at the bottom. All you need to do is fill out a form and enter your industry. So, would it be okay if I send you this link?ā€¯

If your prospect is busy and can't check their email right away, reschedule and call at some other time. Keep on sending notifications to remind them that you are willing to talk to them.


As an agency owner, you can access the InstaSites and DashClicks dashboard and start marketing your services today. It's a proven plan. Create and offer professional-grade websites for free. If the client likes it, tell them about the additional digital marketing services you provide. You can easily start getting more clients and make more money from your existing services this way.

The DashClicks dashboard also allows you to send custom emails for your outreach efforts. By doing all this, DashClicks makes your life easier as an agency owner. To know more about how InstaSites are built and marketed, click here.

Reach Your Goals Faster With a Highly-Intuitive Dashboard
4 Digital Marketing Tools For SME Owners
4 Digital Marketing Tools For SME Owners

SME owners require the best digital marketing tools to succeed online.

Whether it be due to a lack of budget or expertise, many SME websites are basic and fail to utilize best practices for digital marketing success.

Websites can be slow to load, are not intuitive to navigate, or lack vital information. Meanwhile, the business listing might feature outdated information, which prompts Google to bury your result where it will never be seen in SERPs.

The fortunate news is that SME owners can remedy all of these issues today with free or low-cost digital marketing tools.

Here’s a quick list of four essential digital marketing apps for small businesses to help you get started.

1. Google Analytics

Analytics drive digital marketing, which is why we listed Google’s free online marketing software first.

Google Analytics allows any user to constantly track data for your website, funnels, or landing pages 24/7. All you have to do is create a free account here and verify ownership of the website you wish to track. After you create your account, you’ll be able to analyze:

  • Daily/weekly/monthly website traffic
  • Average session duration
  • Website traffic sources (how users find you)
  • Which pages receive more clicks
  • Which pages have high bounce rates
  • Common navigation routes users take within the site

In addition to this, you can also utilize this digital marketing tool to set up custom goals for better conversion tracking. You can analyze how often users take specific actions, the success rates for filling out forms, adding items to a cart, making a purchase, etc.

All SME owners require this data if they wish for their websites and campaigns to perform well. Without these essential metrics, you’ll be operating blind and be unable to understand what parts of your marketing efforts are getting results and which require a bit of TLC.

The Google Analytics dashboard is exceptional. It’s intuitive, easy to navigate, and provides everything you need. But, if you want to future proof how your company operates, you may also benefit from additional software such as DashClicks’ Analytics application.

This marketing analytics software is also free for users and allows you to consolidate all of your analytics trackings into one dashboard.

DashClicks Marketing Analytics Software

For example, if you start using GA and expand into Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can simply log in to one account as opposed to managing three separate accounts for each.

Nevertheless, Google Analytics alone will provide everything an SME owner needs to start entering a competitive space online.

2. A Listings Profile Manager

Online directory listings are essential for SME owners.

These listings allow you to profile your company on countless websites throughout the web. When a user performs a search for businesses within a specific industry, they can identify names, hours, phone numbers, addresses, and more.

Examples of listings websites are Yelp, Yellow Book, and Google My Business. These are some examples of listings we would consider essential, but there are effectively 80+ possible listings sites you can utilize in the USA.

Not only do these sites allow users to discover your SME in new ways, but it’s also an easy way to acquire some high-quality backlinks that point back to your website.

However, if you wanted to leverage all of these listings websites, you would need to actively keep manage those accounts and keep them up to date at all times. This is not a very realistic task, which is why most brands will settle for a handful of essential listings.

DashClicks offers White label business directory software for small businesses that addresses this exact problem. For a small monthly fee, you can syndicate all of your available listings by using one profile.

DashClicks' White Label Business Directory Software

Users can complete their business profiles, upload images, and make edits at any time with one account. The software automatically publishes those changes and updates to every available listing in your area. Then, you can easily review the status of each listing at any time within the same dashboard.

Be aware that this digital marketing tool is only available to small businesses in the US, UK, or Australia at this time.

3. A Sales CRM

Once you start increasing your amount of qualified traffic, you need effective tools to aid your sales team in driving conversions.

A sales CRM is not unlike a traditional contact tracking application. However, instead of managing individual user data, a sales CRM focuses on helping sales personnel track all of your deals within your various sales pipelines.

Popular examples of these digital marketing apps for small businesses would be Pipedrive, Salesforce, or DashClicks’ very own Sales CRM System (Deals App). Within your platform of choice, you’ll be able to track:

  • Deal status
  • Deal values
  • Deal stages
  • Success/failure rates by sales rep

Certain apps like Deals offer a more seamless experience by connecting your free sales CRM directly with your free Contacts book. Instead of managing leads in one place and your deals in another, you can automatically integrate data from either app at any time. This saves time and offers quick access to any data you need within the same platform.

DashClicks' Sales CRM System

Furthermore, Deals allow you to automate every routine task that’s involved in deal management. You won’t need to manually scribe emails, text messages, or generate reports for every prospect that moves on to the next step of the sales journey. You simply drag the deal record to the next stage and the software automatically completes the tasks you have set to automate.

This grants your sales team a better visualization of the entire sales process and affords them more time to focus on strategies that work. You’ll have access to additional sales metrics to analyze each step of the sales journey as well as the performance of each team member.

4. Campaign Management Software

When they graduate beyond your website and listings, SME owners are likely to look toward additional marketing channels that allow them to run customized campaigns.

Here are just a few examples of essential ad campaign platforms SME owners can use depending on their needs:

There is no one-size-fits-all solution as each digital marketing platform helps in key areas. Facebook is a low-cost advertising space that allows brands to connect with users on social media. Meanwhile, ClickFunnels will grant you the ability to create elegant landing pages that promote highly-personalized offers to qualified users.

Any of these recommendations are excellent places to begin and will accommodate a large variety of budgets for small business owners. Paid ads are highly common as they allow brands that do not have strong organic results to remain competitive by paying for premium ad space.

These platforms range from being free to sign up (Facebook Ads, Google Ads) to having paid membership plans.

As you begin to leverage these different channels to promote your SME, you’ll further benefit from having an app that can consolidate your campaign tracking into one dashboard. Fortunately, DashClicks provides such a tool with its Lead Management Software or Inbound application.

Inbound is free to use, and SME owners can quickly integrate and track marketing campaigns from:

  • Facebook Ads
  • ClickFunnels
  • CallRail
  • Instapage
  • Kartra
  • PhoneSites
  • ManyChat
  • Unbounce

After you create your campaigns and integrate them with Inbound, you and your sales team can track all of them simultaneously at once. You’ll also be able to pause or terminate campaigns within the same dashboard.

DashClicks' Lead Management Software

The Inbound app is also part of the same free ecosystem as some of the apps described above. This makes it easier for all branches of your team to communicate, leverage vital information, and gain critical insights that make your SME more effective as a whole.

Leverage Free Digital Marketing Apps for Small Businesses Now

Getting your brand started online can prove a challenge, but it’s simultaneously never been easier. There are free, high-quality options of each tool mentioned in this article for SME owners to start using today.

Some of these naturally scale with your unique business budget, while others offer paid subscription plans that grow with your brand as you increase your customer base.

Because all of these digital marketing tools are accessible, there is no excuse to delay any longer. Start exploring some of these key suggestions today, sign up for your free accounts, and find the best way to coordinate them into your existing marketing strategy.

Taste Greater Success with The Best Digital Marketing Tools

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