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White Label Reports and Dashboards: Everything You Need to Know

White Label Reports and Dashboards: Everything You Need to Know

We are moving towards a more data-driven world. Nowadays, data is at the core of everything, and it’s not only limited to engineering and technology.

Businesses can’t survive without access to marketing and consumer data. In a data-driven organization, you need to infuse insights into applications.

If you can integrate a stunning and user-friendly dashboard into your app and brand it as your own, your app may become highly popular without investing much time in development.

As an agency, you’ll be at a significant advantage if you can harness the power of world-class analytics reports.

Here are some ‌benefits of white-labeling and infusing dashboards into your products:

  • Adds value to your app
  • Provides actionable insights
  • Improves user experience
  • Elevates brand recognition and loyalty
  • Allows you to take advantage of third-party developer expertise
  • Allows you to take advantage of the best-in-class available tools
  • Makes customization easier

Organizations love white-labeling also because their reports and dashboards have a magical effect on users’ psyche. White-label platforms have incredible reporting power combined with brilliant presentations. Furthermore, it allows you to offer digital services under your branding.

What Are White Labeled Reports?

When you use a white-label digital service, the service provider’s analytics platform integrates with your data source. It extracts data from your database to produce stunning reports and dashboard data projections.

The right white-label platform gives you complete control over your dashboard’s widgets and data visualizations. You can display visual elements the way you want and highlight the most valuable insights through a user-friendly UI editor.

DashClicks' White Label Reports

The most exciting thing about white-labeling is that it allows your cross-functional teams to use your logo, brand colors, and styles to make your reports and dashboards look like your teams develop them.

White-label platforms like DashClicks have numerous features that appeal to enterprise users, including tech and non-tech, customer support, and sales, allowing organizations to manage their campaigns with complete control over the outcome.

White Label Reports: Under the Hood

Your pages will ultimately reflect your organization's branding when you implement your dashboard via a white-label platform such as DashClicks. So, your dashboard will perfectly complement your brand as it will carry its look and feel.

With such a high degree of customization, your app will look like a replica of your website. So, even a report will look like you have pulled it using a tool your company has developed.

DashClicks reporting tool – InstaReports offer a strong white-labeling experience to agencies.

  • It offers a seamless user interface that allows you to edit your reports faster.
  • It will enable you to use many report formats such as PDF, HTML, etc.
  • Fully rebranded dashboard.
  • Easy configuration of branding, including colors, logos, and fonts.

Exploring White Label Dashboard

Google generates loads of data primarily related to website analytics. White-label dashboards are UIs designed to enable users to view and analyze this data in a beautiful and precisely arranged and organized format. You can use white-labeled reports to distribute this data.

You can easily pull this data with the dashboard as it contains all the controls. The dashboard allows you to change the settings and preferences to get the insights per your needs.

DashClicks' dashboard comes with powerful analytics and reporting apps, so the platform is the ideal option if you wish to offer meaningful analytical data to your clients.

DashClicks Software Tour Dashboard App

Source: DashClicks Software Tour (40 Minute Dashboard Demo) - 18:50

You can customize the look and feel of your reports and make them visually appealing.

Here is what the analytics look like in the dashboard. It also provides analytics about SEO, Google Ads, and Facebook ads. See the screenshot below -

DashClicks Software Tour Dashboard App

Source: DashClicks Software Tour (40 Minute Dashboard Demo) - 23:29

DashClicks Software Tour Dashboard App

Source: DashClicks Software Tour (40 Minute Dashboard Demo) - 23:37

Built-in Apps for Every Business Solution

As an agency, when you sign up for the DashClicks' white-label platform, you can resell the entire DashClicks digital marketing agency platform, completely white-labeled under your brand.

Here are a few apps from DashClicks' that will give you an unfair advantage over others -

1. Analytics

The analytics app from DashClicks is a real-time marketing reporting software at your fingertips that allows you to monitor and report your marketing campaigns in one place.

2. Contacts

Contacts is a sales CRM that helps you competently manage your contacts with the power of the DashClicks' contact management CRM software. It makes contact management a cakewalk. The sales CRM helps you manage every prospective customer in the light of their customer journey.

3. Deals

Deals is a sales pipeline management software that helps you bring automation to life when managing leads and deals. Sales is the most complex and challenging yet vital part of any business, and the very survival of your business depends on sales. With the deals app, you can easily track your prospects' journey and nurture them in the funnel.

4. Projects

DashClicks' white label project management software provides the easiest and most powerful way to manage your projects, teams, customers, and more. No doubt it's termed as the best project management software for agencies. You should also leverage the power of this app to manage your projects swiftly and efficiently.

Similarly, many other software tools from DashClicks can infuse power into your agency business, such as InstaSites, Sites, Templates, InboundĀ (a lead management software,) and Forms apps.

White Label Reports

Have a look at the following report generated by DashClicks' white label reporting dashboard. It overviews the website build, deals added, and new contacts.

It also provides you with data about page views and visitors.

DashClicks' White Label Reporting Dashboard

These reports are easy to understand and grasp, so everybody in the organization can use them. Previously, the reports contained so much jargon and complex data in the digital marketing industry that only marketers could understand them.

It makes them quite user-friendly and extremely helpful in decision-making.

Final Words

White label fully branded dashboards are crucial for agency branding as they enable you to personalize so that you can offer digital marketing as a holistic service.

Indeed, it adds more value to your brand. It also allows you to coordinate with the SEO team, often in real-time, through a dashboard that frequently updates itself. Similarly, white-label dashboards also enable your clients to track campaign performance in real-time.

Would you like to learn more about white label dashboards and reports? Click here for a quick demo.

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