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10 Powerful Tips to Find Social Media Clients for Your Agency

10 Powerful Tips to Find Social Media Clients for Your Agency

You need more social media clients for your agency, but when you search online for ways, you find stupid advice that hardly works today. Most "marketing gurus" will advise you to get the names and contact details of the websites and send them unsolicited emails.

But the reality points towards something else. We regularly receive annoying emails with messages such as "I've gone through your website and think I can help you make it look better and get higher rankings." Do we pay any attention to such emails?

How to Find Social Media Clients?

Most agency owners hire sales consultants and do a bunch of different things through trial and error until they find something that works. Or they follow random advice online to get the ball rolling.

The best tactic is to try inbound marketing, post valuable and engaging content on social media, try networking, and run paid campaigns. You can also try the irresistible sales formula we use and teach here at DashClicks. You'll find this proven formula in this article and other tips.

Here are some of the most powerful tips to find social media clients for your agency.

1. Try DashClicks' Irresistible Sales Formula

Selling digital marketing services and expanding the client base is easier said than done, especially for a newbie agency. There are many roadblocks in their way, such as a lack of trust, increasing competition, price wars, etc. So, why don't you try an irresistible offer that people have a hard time rejecting?

All digital marketing activities start with the creation of a professional website. So, many agencies sell their website development services with their SEO services package. The website's design, content, and user interface are crucial for high search engine rankings. A well-built website can be a game changer when you start online marketing for your venture.

Step-by-Step Formula to Sell Your Digital & Social Media Marketing Services

Here is the irresistible sales formula for selling your social media marketing services and expanding your client base. It begins with offering a professional-grade website of 30-40 pages you can effortlessly create using DashClicks' instant website builder, InstaSites.

A. Identify the businesses you want to target, make a list, and proactively create professional-grade websites for them using InstaSites software, and then do the following.

  • Start a contact center.
  • Train your sales reps (fronters or frontline salespersons) to pitch the people on your cold call lists and offer them custom websites free of charge.
  • Ask your prospects to have a look at those websites through preview links.
  • Make another call to get their feedback about the website after three days.
  • Seek their permission and activate the website for them, if they are happy with the website preview.

B. Next week, make another call to know their opinion about the usability of the website and do the following.

  • Tell them during the call that you also offer local listings on some major listing networks.
  • Tell them the benefits of local SEO.
  • If they need it, sign a contract.
  • Outsource affordable local listing services through DashClicks' white label fulfillment center.

C. After two weeks, offer social media and Google paid advertising services to boost leads and conversions and get them fulfilled through DashClicks.

After six weeks, offer social media account management and posting services.

Click here to learn the details of this wonderful fail-proof formula that you can try subsequently. The article also includes the sales script for your sales reps.

Watch this video to know more:

2. Be Your No. 1 Client

If you're focusing too much on client acquisition and business expansion, it's time to focus on your own marketing and SEO. Treating your agency as your number one client will likely improve your online visibility and help you get loads of customers. Invest in your website and increase your social media presence.

3. Try Inbound Marketing

Inbound is the key. People will find you easily and flock to you if you act as an authority. To strengthen your inbound marketing, publish content vigorously. When you do it for some time, Google ranks your website higher on its organic search result pages, and people can easily find you through relevant search queries.

Most agencies focus on conversion and creating sales-oriented sites and fail as a result. So, focus on content publishing and inbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing Methodology

Image Source: SuperOffice

Pro Tip: Most people search digital marketing agencies with keywords like top seo consultantsbest digital marketing agencies near me, and best social media companies in Vancouver, etc. So, try to rank on SERPs with such keywords so that people can find you easily through organic search.

4. Focus on Service Quality

Provide quality services and achieve excellent results for your clients; happy clients will give you referrals. Successful agencies attract many clients as referrals from their existing or previous customers. Use your results to sell your services. You can use automation tools to do that. Soon, it will become autopilot. As a result, big agencies don't spend much on advertising. To catch big fish, they work on PR and brand building.

Customer Highly Value Great Customer Experience

Image Source: SuperOffice

5. Tap Your Immediate Circle

As a newbie agency, tapping your existing circle is the key to finding social media clients. There can be many people in your friends, relatives and acquaintances who are running their own businesses or working as freelancers.

Get their contact details, make a list and tell them about your services. You can also send messages and emails to them. They can help spread the word about your agency if they haven't yet decided to hire social media marketing services for their businesses.

6. Try Social Networking

Try networking on social media sites and in local communities, clubs, and groups. While outreaching on social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, ensure that you tap everyone in your niche, not just your potential customers. These people can help you refer the client and close the deals.

While interacting with them, avoid the casual hellos and emojis and spark meaningful conversations.

Flaunt your expertise in social media marketing subtly by sharing strategies and tools you love to use.

7. Spend Time Where Your Target Audience Does

To gear up and embrace social marketing, you should significantly increase your online presence, especially in the places where your target audience spends most of their time. Here are some of these places -

  • Facebook groups
  • Twitter chats
  • Sites such as Reddit and Quora
  • Communities such as Slack and Discord
  • Forums such as Black Hat World, Digital Point and CPAElites

8. Offer Freebies

Freebies attract crowds and sell like hotcakes. It's a proven strategy to attract new clients. Here is a list of freebies you can try -

  • Social Media Content Calendar
  • Daily Planners or To-Do Lists
  • Instagram posting templates
  • Free consultation
  • List of Blog Headlines
  • List of Social Media Captions
  • E-Books
  • How-To Guides
  • Email Newsletter Templates
  • Mini Courses
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Checklists
  • Starter Kits
  • Audio Trainings

Post about your free service everywhere online, where people recognize you as an authority. Highlight your free service on your website to create buzz and use it like a lead magnet.

See how Neil Patel offers his free 7-week action plan on his website to increase traffic on your website.

Want More SEO Traffic - Neil Patel

9. Boost Your Expertise and Authority Using Your Website

Businesses use their websites to list their services and how they function. However, you can also use it to showcase your expertise and authority.

For that, you can do the following -

  • Add your case studies and make them available in downloadable PDF files. Subtly, prove how you can help your prospects.
  • Give social proof of your previous clients, and add their logos.
  • Add reviews and testimonials from happy clients.
  • Share the awards and certifications you have earned, conferences you have attended, and journals in which you or your agency are mentioned.
  • Add video testimonials of your clients.

Here is an example of reviews from happy clients -

FreshBooks - Customer Reviews

Image Source: FreshBooks

Note that these are verifiable reviews with the name and details of the clients. It builds trust compared to the first name most agencies use.

See how Omada posted a customer video testimonial from one of its clients that cleverly captures the essence of visual interest.

10. Focus On Getting More and More Referrals

As per a Convince & Convert study, 83% of Americans say that recommendations from family and friends encourage them to buy a product or service. So, it's clear that referrals are the most effective way to find more clients for your social media agency.

Here are a few tips to get referrals -

  • Offer excellent customer experience
  • Politely ask your happy clients to provide referrals
  • Collaborate with people offering similar services such as SEO and PPC
  • Introduce a referral plan and reward people who refer clients to you

Final Words

Finding clients for your social media agency requires effort. You can apply the mix of tactics discussed above and find networking opportunities everywhere. Also, update your website to showcase your authority and build trust by adding video testimonials, reviews, certificates and case studies.

Use automation tools to your advantage to minimize manual work. You can use the DashClicks' Inbound App to manage and nurture leads. Similarly, you can use DashClicks' Deals App, the sales pipeline management software, to automate leads and deals management. Our Contacts App, the CRM software, will simplify your sales outreach by recording all the communication with your clients in one place.

Find Social Media Clients for Your Agency
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