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How to Use DashClicks’ Deals App to Engage With Potential Clients

How to Use DashClicks’ Deals App to Engage With Potential Clients

Are you looking for a better way to engage with potential clients? With the digital world rapidly growing, finding an efficient and cost-effective method of reaching out to new leads has become increasingly important.

DashClicks Deals app is here to help; it's designed to provide users with everything they need to stay in touch with their leads, whether that’s through automated emails or targeted campaigns.

Through this blog post, we'll look at how this powerful tool can streamline your sales management process while helping you optimize your outreach efforts and build valuable relationships with prospective clients.

What Is the DashClicks Deals App and Why Should You Use It to Engage WIth Potential Clients?

The sales pipeline management software by DashClicks is a comprehensive sales automation platform, specifically designed to manage and streamline interactions with potential customers. It provides a centralized system where you can store leads and deals information, track your communication history, and automate your email marketing campaigns.

But why should you use the software? Utilizing this tool allows for a more efficient and personalized outreach, enabling you to send targeted messages that resonate with your potential client’s needs and interests. This approach saves you time and increases the likelihood of converting these leads into loyal customers.

By integrating pipeline management software into your marketing strategy, you are investing in a tool that significantly enhances your customer engagement and propels your business growth.

How to Set up a Deals List Within the App?

To set up a deals list within the DashClicks’ Deals app, follow these simple steps:

1. Log into your DashClicks account. If you don't have an account yet, sign up for one.

2. Navigate to the 'Deals App'. It is located in the dashboard on the left-hand side of your screen.

3. Click on the 'import' option. It will bring you to a new page where you can see all of your existing lists, if any.

4. Select 'Upload CSV File'. This option is usually found on the top right of the page. Choose Pipeline.

5. Map the property fields.  Map out all the fields so everything can be matched up. You can also create custom property as well.

6. Automatically tag all of your imported deals.

7. Click on continue. Refresh and you will see all your deals in the pipeline.

And that's it! You've successfully created a pipeline within the pipeline management software app. Now, you're ready to start personalizing your outreach and engaging potential clients more efficiently.

Organize Leads With Deals Tag Automation

To optimize your outreach efforts using the pipeline software, the effective organization of your leads is crucial. This can be achieved through the use of tags, which allow for quick identification and sorting of leads based on certain characteristics or attributes. Here's how to use tags:

1. Navigate to the 'Deals app'. Make sure you are on the 'My Deals tab'.

2. Click on the Deal Automation button in the top-right corner.

3. Click on + Add Deal Automation under the appropriate stage.

4. Click on Add Deal Tag. Then, click Continue in the top-right corner.

5. Using the dropdown, select the tag you want to add. You can also click the + icon to add a new tag at this time. Then, click Continue once more.

6. At the final step, you can set up a custom delay for this action if necessary.

By using tags, you can organize your deals into segments based on shared attributes, or custom create the tag. It enables precise targeting of messages and campaigns, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Remember, the key to successful tagging and categorizing is consistency. Stick to a naming convention that is easy to understand and apply broadly across your leads base.

The Benefits of Using Automated Emails for Outreach

Automated emails serve as a powerful tool in your outreach arsenal, affording several key benefits:

1. Efficiency

Automated emails save valuable time by eliminating the need to manually send individual messages. Once set up, they can reach hundreds or even thousands of potential clients at once without any additional effort on your part.

2. Consistency

Automated emails ensure your message is delivered consistently to all your leads. It eradicates the risk of human error, such as forgotten emails or differing email content.

3. Personalization

Even though the emails are automated, they can still be personalized. Using tools like pipeline management software, you can include each recipient's name and other personal details, making your emails feel more individual and relevant.

4. Traceability

Automated email systems typically come with built-in analytics. These analytics can provide invaluable insights into your outreach efforts, such as open rate, click rate, and conversion rate, helping you improve your strategy over time.

5. Follow-ups

Automated emails can help manage follow-up messages, ensuring that no potential client falls through the cracks. By setting up a sequence of emails, you can keep engaging your leads at regular intervals, increasing the chance of conversion.

Using automated emails for outreach is a strategy that maximizes efficiency, ensures consistency, allows for personalization, provides valuable analytics, and manages follow-ups, all of which can lead to improved client engagement and higher conversion rates.

Best Practices for Personalizing Messages for Each Lead

Personalized messaging has the power to elevate the efficacy of your outreach efforts by making your communications feel more relevant and engaging. Here are some best practices to consider when personalizing messages for each lead:

1. Use Their Name

Including your potential lead's name in your message is the simplest way to personalize your outreach. It immediately grabs the recipient's attention and makes your message feel more personal.

2. Segment Your Lead List

With the pipeline software, you can segment your leads list based on various attributes like industry, location, or funnel stage. It allows you to tailor your messages according to the specific needs and interests of each segment, increasing their relevance and engagement.

3. Leverage Data

Use data gathered from your leads to customize your outreach. It could be anything from their interaction history with your brand to their expressed interests. The more you know about your leads, the more personalized your messages can be.

4. Send Timely Messages

Personalization also includes timing. Send your messages at times when they are most likely to be seen and engaged with by your leads. With the sales management CRM, streamline communication with deals - easily record and send out messages in your live chat at the touch of a button.

5. Offer Value

Always make sure your messages offer value that is relevant to the recipient. It could be in the form of insightful content, exclusive offers, or solutions to their pain points.

6. A/B Test Your Messages

Finally, it's important to continually test and optimize your personalized messages to see what works best for your audience. Use A/B testing to experiment with different personalization techniques and analyze the outcomes to refine your strategy.

Remember, the ultimate goal of personalizing your messages is to make your leads feel seen and valued and to foster stronger relationships with them. A well-executed personalization strategy can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates, propelling your business growth.

Scheduling Emails in Advance

Being consistent in your outreach efforts is key to maintaining engagement with your leads. One way to ensure this consistency is by scheduling your emails in advance. 

  • Draft Your Email. Start by creating your email content. Remember to pay attention to the quality of your content, ensuring it's relevant, valuable, and personalized for your audience.
  • Set the Date and Time. Once your email is ready, you can schedule it to be sent at a specific date and time. This can be found in the 'Schedule' option usually located in the settings or options menu of the email editor.
  • Select Your Recipients. Choose the leads list or segment to which you want to send your scheduled email.
  • Confirm and Schedule. After setting the date, time, and recipients, confirm all the details are correct and hit 'Schedule'. Your email will be sent out automatically at the specified time.

By scheduling emails in advance, you can ensure that your messages reach your leads at the most optimal times, increasing the chances of engagement.

Here's how to do email automation with the DashClicks’ Deals app:

Tracking Successful Campaigns

Knowing what works and what doesn't is crucial in refining your outreach strategy. DashClicks’ Deals App includes built-in analytics tools that can help you track the success of your campaigns. Here's how:

1. Access Applications Menu

Hover over the navigation bar to the left of the dashboard and select ‘Deals’. In the Deals app, press on the 'Reporting' tab.

2. View New Deals

The 'New Deals' section displays all your open deals. The number on the left shows the count of these deals, and the number in parentheses displays the total value. To understand when these deals were made, hover over any point on the graph.

3. View Won & Lost Deals

This 'Won' tab displays all the deals won in the selected period and the 'Lost' tab illustrates the deals lost in a chosen period. By hovering over points on the graph, you can see how many deals were won or lost on a particular day.

4. Change the Date Period

You can adjust the dates for your analytics by selecting the date range in the top-right corner, which opens up a calendar view. You can quickly select predefined periods or set up a custom period.

5. Understand Deal Stages Over Time

This section analyses how many deals moved into each stage on a specific date. It is useful for understanding which stages of your pipeline are more successful. You can use the 'Count/Value' toggle to display the data in monetary value instead of counts.

6. Filter Reporting by User or Pipeline

If you want to view analytics by a specific user, select the desired team member(s) from the column on the left side of the page. To view the analytics for a specific sales pipeline, and select one from the list within the left column.

7. View the Leaderboard

The Leaderboard section displays the performance of the sales reps assigned to the sales pipeline. It shows the number of new deals, deals won, and deals lost for each rep.

8. Refine your strategy

Use the insights gained from your campaigns to refine your future outreach efforts. Whether it's the timing, content, personalization, or follow-ups, understanding what works best for your audience will help improve your engagement and conversion rates.

Remember, tracking the success of your campaigns is not a one-off task but an ongoing process. Keep monitoring your performance, learning from your successes and failures, and continually refining your strategy to achieve better results.

Use DashClicks Deals app to overcome objections your potential clients might have and close the deal.

Summing Up

True success in the digital world is within reach when you use the DashClicks leads App. This powerful tool is designed to provide the best outreach capabilities, allowing you to quickly build leads lists and never miss a potential client.

You can organize your leads lists using tags and categories, saving time and energy when manually sorting through them. Automated emails can be used for outreach, ensuring no lead goes unnoticed and taking the burden of manual emailing off your plate.

When you personalize each message, it not only increases engagement but also bolsters building relationships for future business opportunities. You can schedule emails in advance so that you are always among the first to get back to a potential client and keep track of which messages had successful campaigns.

The possibilities are limitless when using the DashClicks Deals App, so why don’t you take control of your business success today? Install the DashClicks’ Mobile app to access the Deals App, and save time, money, and effort!

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