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How to Create Local Marketing Reports With DashClicks

How to Create Local Marketing Reports With DashClicks

With mobile searches becoming a new normal, we frequently use keywords like "spa near me" or "best sandwich shops in New Jersey." These aren't just a few random keywords. Local search carries a strong purchase intent, it's growing, and it forms a major chunk of shopping these days.

Post pandemic, 82% of consumers will prefer to shop locally. However, their expectations aren't the same as before. So, businesses must be curious to know how they can thrive amid this disruption.

What are the top factors influencing a local marketing campaign?

These are organic traffic data, PPC, reputation management, i.e., reviews, etc.

To improve local marketing and advertising, you need to track the data gathered from various SEO and PPC tools such as Google My Business, Moz, and Google Analytics.

And using these insights, you need to create a great local marketing report to help your clients track and improve their campaigns.

This article includes everything you need to know to create stunning marketing reports for your local business's needs.

What Are Local Marketing Reports?

A local marketing report is a collection of insights you can use to track and measure all your local business strategies. You need to identify your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess your business performance, improve your local marketing strategies, and give them the right direction.

Things You Need to Know to Generate Local Marketing Reports

It would help if you had a wide range of metrics you can hardly find if you do it manually while generating marketing reports. Another challenge is to split these reports to separately show your client the ROI for different locations.

Businesses operating in specific locations need location-based metrics to analyze their ROI. Marketers look for location-wise comparisons to get clear and vivid pictures of their campaigns. Similarly, single-location services and businesses such as stores, outlets, salons, restaurants, spas, and shops also need location-based reporting to know whether their marketing efforts are helping them reach the right audience or not.

Most successful agencies prefer to use visual dashboards that generate easy-to-understand, user-friendly reports.

What Should Your Local Marketing Report Include?

Your local marketing report should ideally include all the relevant metrics from the channels used in local marketing.

So, you need the data and insights from the following channels.

  • Social media metrics (both paid and unpaid)
  • Organic traffic
  • Local listings
  • Reviews

The best part of these reports is that they arrange and present crucial insights that matter the most to your clients. All other less critical information remains in the dashboard.

To make it easy to understand, you can divide local metrics into five categories.

Here is what your local marketing report should look like:

DashClicks' InstaReports App

1. SEO Metrics

There is a strong connection between a local search performed by a user and their subsequent store visit. 72% of consumers who did a local search on their devices visited the store within five miles, according to a HubSpot study.

Here are other stats that show just how powerful local searches are -

Image Source

It indicates that mobile phones are linked with high purchase intent. So, you should optimize for local SEO, but at the same time optimize it for mobile, too. So, when people use local keywords such as "babysitter near me" or "best pizza outlets in New Jersey" from their mobile phones, it reflects a strong purchase intent, and your local SEO should take care of such searches.

A solid local SEO foundation is necessary to run a location-based marketing campaign. So, the right keywords are essential to trap such local searches.

"U.S. retailers' conversion rates on the desktop are 2X as high as mobile conversion rates. Why? Because the purchase process on many retailers' mobile sites is still clunky."

[Source: Think With Google ]

Pro Tip: To improve your conversion rate on mobile, you should decrease your page load time.

Agencies need to focus on their clients' local SEO metrics because it will decide that they are generating the right kind of leads for them.

Let’s consider some local marketing tools and integrations that agencies should use:

  •    Google Analytics
  •    Google Search Console
  •    SEMrush
  •    Ahrefs
  •    GMB Insights
  •    Rank Tracker
  •    Moz
  •    Majestic

2. Local Search PPC Metrics

Local brands need high-quality local leads, so they need to focus on local PPC metrics. PPC generates high-quality leads. It also decides the ROI of PPC campaigns. But, agencies also need to set the correct conversion expectations. Otherwise, it can soon backfire on them.

For that, they need to share industry-based conversion rates from PPC to benchmark their performance against it.

Google Ads Industry Benchmarks - Average Conversion Rate

Image Source

The stats reveal that the average conversion rate across Google Ads is 4.40% on the search network and 0.57% on the display network.

Now have a look at the average cost per conversion for Google Ads.

Google Ads - Cost Per Conversion Benchmarks - By Industry

Image Source

According to the above graph, the average cost per conversion across Google Ads is $56.11 on the search network and $90.80 on the display network.

You can plug the metrics like average conversion rate in Google Ads and the average cost per conversion into a live dashboard.

Here are the PPC marketing integrations you can try.

  •    Google Ads
  •    Bing Ads
  •    AdRoll
  •    Google Local Services Ads (GLSA)

3. Call Tracking Metrics

Your clients would also be interested in call tracking as phone calls also mean a high purchase intent. For local clients, it becomes even more critical. Since these are hot leads, your clients must know callers’ contact information, such as their names, phone numbers, and locations.

Here are some popular call tracking tools you can integrate into your live dashboard.

  •    CallRail
  •    WildJar
  •    Twilio

4. Social Media Metrics

Social media is core to building communities of fans and long-lasting relationships with your clients. It helps you establish direct contact with your audience and is growing exponentially.

You can use the following integrations to track your client’s social media metrics. Furthermore, DashClicks allows you to do it in one dashboard.

  •    Instagram and Instagram Ads
  •    YouTube
  •    LinkedIn and LinkedIn Ads
  •    Facebook and Facebook Ads
  •    Twitter and Twitter Ads
  •    Snapchat Ads

5. Reputation Metrics

You must have seen the reviews while looking for a spa, health service, restaurants, and other local services. According to a Search Engine Land study, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. People look online for advice to get authentic suggestions and recommendations about where to shop and what to buy. Thus, reviews are an essential ingredient of online reputation and local search. Agencies can help their clients build a brand reputation as it matters more than anything else during local searches.

Key Reputation Metrics You Should Track

Apart from that, there can be many other integrations you can choose for your local marketing client report. You can pick them as per your business goals.

What Metrics Should You Track in Your Local Marketing Report?

Depending on your local marketing channels, there are specific KPIs your local clients want to see,

Your clients must be interested in KPIs such as ROI breakdown by location. It depends on what local marketing channels you use as a marketing strategy. Again, adding multiple metrics can overwhelm an ordinary business person.

So, here are a few KPIs you can consider including in your clients’ local marketing reports.

  1. Best Performing City/Location: The region that exhibits the best performance in terms of cost/conversion.
  2. Cost Per Lead: This KPI reflects how much you’re spending on each lead you generate.
  3. Traffic From Google My Business: It reflects the number of visitors Google My Business brings to your website.
  4. Sessions by Landing Page: This KPI is crucial for brands that have different landing pages for each of your locations. It shows how much traffic is coming through local ads for each location.
  5. Local Queries, Impressions, and Ranking: Google Search Console will help you get the data about the impressions linked with your local queries in a defined period. It also includes their rankings.
  6. Search Brand or Category: It’s a crucial KPI that reflects your brand’s visibility on Google. So, it tells you the number of times your business profile was shown when a user searched for your brand or a similar one in Google My Business.
  7. Channel Performance: This KPI helps you identify the channel with the best ROI and conversion rate, so you can increase your investment in it and reduce in other channels that don’t contribute as much to achieving your business goals.
  8. Reviews: Reviews are a powerful indicator of your brand’s reputation. Check reviews on your Google My Business profile page.
  9. Leads by User Type: This KPI tells you how many leads you generate through your websites, such as a newsletter sign-up or form submission.
  10. Session From Organic Over Time: The organic traffic your website has received in a given timeframe.
  11. Phone Calls per Location: It reflects the number of phone calls attended by each of your location-specific outlets. A call tracking software such as Callrail is all that you need to track this KPI.

You can track even more KPIs such as eCommerce KPIs, i.e., Total Sales

Net Sales, Total Refunds, and Sales By Channel.

How to Create Local Marketing Reports Almost Instantly?

Client reporting isn't easy. It is one of the best ways to express the value your agency is bringing onboard for your client. But, tracking all of the above KPIs and presenting them in a report can be extremely tedious and time-consuming.

Imagine going to each marketing platform, digging into its analytics, and copy-pasting the data into complex excel sheets.

However, with DashClicks, you can automatically fetch all the required data into a pretty and colorful report with easy-to-understand diagrams, charts, and tables. These ready-to-share reports can be created instantly using DashClicks' reports automation tool InstaReports. Your clients or boss will be pleased to see these professionally designed reports.

Here's how to create local marketing reports with DashClicks in seconds -

A. Sign Up for Your Free Dashclicks Account

To generate automated reports, first Sign Up for DashClicks' white-label platform for free and feed all your campaign details.

B. Integrate Your Digital Marketing Platforms

You can easily connect your online marketing platforms such as Google Search Console, Google Adwords, Google My Business, Google Analytics, CallRail, & Facebook Ads., etc.

C. Choose a Template

It's time to choose a template. Click on Templates, and you'll find various templates you can choose from, such as SEO, Google Ads, or social media.

Choose a Template

D. Review Your Report

Your report will look like this -

Here is the detailed video you can watch to know how to use DashClicks' InstaReports -

Your report is now ready; you can export it in various formats such as XLS, CSV, and PDF.

It would be the most thorough yet concise and easy-to-understand report.

Final Words

Agencies want to ensure they generate qualified leads for their clients' sales pipeline. So, they are naturally inclined to create reports that help their local-centric clients consistently. They want to add value by infusing actionable insights and fresh qualified leads into these reports. Once a process is set up, the next step is to make it scalable. You can quickly achieve it by using DashClicks' automated reporting tool InstaReports.

Create Amazing Local Marketing Reports in Seconds
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