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How DashClicks All-In-One Marketing Platform Is Better Than Individual Software

How DashClicks All-In-One Marketing Platform Is Better Than Individual Software

Imagine buying separate tools for different business needs and then struggling with integrations. Besides, it's not financially viable for businesses to buy costly third-party software programs.

With software marketing heating up, users are inundated with ads for different tools that claim to make your business functions easier and quicker. It can easily confuse the uninformed and gullible agency owners.

If you separately buy such software tools, your expenditure will dwarf your overall income soon. That's why agencies worldwide are switching to an all-in-one white-label platform!

In this article, you’ll get to know the following:

  • Chief benefits and advantages of using an agency platform with a single dashboard
  • The features you need in an all-inclusive white-label platform
  • Why should you use DashClicks white-label platform for your agency business?

What Is an All-Inclusive Marketing Platform?

An all-inclusive platform has multiple integrated tools. DashClicks also has many inbuilt apps to build instant websites, manage projects, create sign-up forms, generate reports, conduct analytics, and many other agency tasks.

Apart from that, it allows you 65+ integrations with popular third-party tools, helping you make your work a breeze.

So, a white-label agency platform is a blessing for agency owners because it offers numerous integrations apart from the highly functional and necessary built-in apps.

A white label agency platform is a single source of software applications with diverse applications that you can use for different aspects of an agency business without switching between platforms. So, you need not buy additional tools to run your business.

DashClicks’ white-label platform lets you do the following:

  • Build exclusive agency websites
  • Build bulk websites and sales funnels
  • Manage Contacts
  • Manage Leads and deals in your sales pipelines
  • Track and assign all inbound leads
  • Creates in-depth performance reports in seconds
  • Send custom emails
  • Automate your business processes and repetitive tasks
  • Manage projects from a single dashboard
  • Manage your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts
  • Manage your online reputation using a single dashboard
  • Get useful analytics and insights so that you can grow your business

The most beautiful thing about the DashClicks platform is that you can complete all of the above tasks from a single dashboard, saving time, money, and hassle.

So, forget about using different marketing systems and annoying integrations that are full of glitches and switch to an all-in-one business software.

Enjoy the Freedom

With DashClicks white-label platform, you don't need to import and export data from one software application to another. Also, you don't need to pay exorbitant fees towards monthly subscription charges for dozens of software tools.

Switching to an all-inclusive platform will also save you from technical troubles and distractions that can impede your workflow. So, working with numerous apps is no more a necessary evil to grow your business.

Chief Benefits of Using DashClicks All-Inclusive Business Platform

There are many advantages of using an all-in-one platform, and major ones are related to your budget, your staff's productive time, and your agency's success.

Chief Benefits of Using DashClicks All Inclusive Business Platform

1. Cut Your Cost and Time

All-inclusive marketing platforms do what every business needs to scale in this competitive marketplace. High growth, great productivity, a fraction of time, and minimal efforts are the key benefits of an all-in-one marketing platform for agencies.

Many agency owners complain about low success rates, low productivity, and high churn. In this business, every second counts, and waste of time in unproductive and repeated processes is a red flag.

Agency staffers waste their crucial time switching between platforms and struggling with integration glitches. The heavy workload staffers handle while working with multiple software programs can be counterproductive to your agency's success.

These things become even more critical when your teams work on revenue-driven tasks such as performing local listings and creating GMB (Google My Business) profiles.

Visualize your process and imagine how much time you can save if you don't have to manage multiple platforms.

For example, consider buying an advanced social media marketing analytics tool such as a Rival IQ to have a competitive edge over others. This competitor insights tool costs $299/month and $499/month for 10 and 30 competitors.

SEMRush charges $119.95/month for their Pro plan, $229.95/month for the Guru plan, and $449.95/month for the Business plan. Similarly, Zapier, a project management tool, charges $598.50 monthly for its Guru plan.

DashClicks offers 12 built-in apps, including a bulk website builder, a forms app, a report generation app, a project management app, an analytics app, a deals app, and many other apps just for a nominal price of $97 for five team members and $297 per month for ten team members.

For up to two members, the platform is available for free.

To illustrate how much DashClicks costs vs. other business software tools, these plans provide you with unlimited access to different features of all of our platforms.

Even third-party project management software is pricier than that. So, when you switch to an all-inclusive DashClicks platform, you are saving hundreds of dollars per month.

If this is not enough, here are some more reasons to buy our white-label software platform –

  • Everything is available through a single dashboard. There is no need to switch back and forth.
  • A consistent pricing model saves you the hassle of multiple software bill payments.
  • Less training time since you need to train your employees only once.
  • Fewer business expenses mean more revenue and profit per product.
  • There is no need to manually transfer the data between different applications as DashClicks is a single software where you can seamlessly transfer data.

Do You Really Need to Switch to an All-Inclusive Platform?

Since online marketing is extremely competitive, we shouldn't complicate it further by buying numerous software tools.

You can save enough cash by switching from multiple SEO and project management tools to the best all-in-one marketing platform and investing the money into your business.

Also, when you have more time, thanks to the automation features of DashClicks, you get more freedom to focus on your business growth.

2. Perform Various Tasks Without Any Coding Knowledge

Surprisingly, most of the agency owners are solopreneurs and are unaware of coding and technology. They will not prefer to spend hours operating and managing their software.

DashClicks has designed its platform for newbies and people who are not so tech-savvy. So even if you don't know coding and digital marketing, you can still launch your agency and run it successfully.

Here are some benefits DashClicks white-label software offers to non-tech-savvy people and newbies –

  • The built-in applications in DashClicks software are easy to use and come with attractive graphics and a visual interface, so you don’t require any coding knowledge to update your website or funnels.
  • The platform features help drastically cut your human resources costs as you don’t need to hire software engineers, website developers, and designers to build and update your website.
  • The drag-and-drop builders and website editors are designed for such people so that they can customize their landing pages without any coding.
  • On this platform, you can seamlessly manage your leads and deals, build sales funnels, sell your products, create websites, and receive payments without worrying about technical aspects.

So, don't waste your time and energy operating and managing your agency the traditional way doing most things manually or using multiple tools.

3. Generate Real-Time Performance Reports and Get Useful Insights

Real-time performance reports are necessary for business decision-making. The DashClicks platform brings you real-time reports and insights for better campaign performance. The platform uses standard tools to convert marketing data into key metrics and insights to interpret your campaign performance better, so you can take corrective measures to enhance customer satisfaction and build lasting relationships. InstaReports is our platform's tool to generate in-depth performance reports to improve your ROI.

4. Optimize User Experience to Boost Sales

With so many applications working together in one place, you get valuable insights into the user experience. You have a functional website designed for conversion, and you must be running several sales campaigns.

DashClicks applications such as Deals App and Analytics App help you control your digital marketing campaigns to make lead generation and conversion easier. Through Deals App, you will get to track the exact position of your prospect in the sales funnel, past activities, and steps to accelerate conversion.

Similarly, an analytics app helps you know more about your prospects, their behavior, their actions on your website, and their preferences. So, if your prospects drop off at a certain point, you can proactively sort out the issues.

Together these apps also help you in personalized interactions with your prospects. You can use these insights to craft the right messages at the right time to speed up conversion.

5. Get Support, Reports, and Fulfillment Services From One Platform

The biggest benefit DashClicks' all-in-one integrated marketing platform offers is that it provides support, helps you generate performance reports, and avail fulfillment services from a single dashboard.

Instant customer support and security become crucial when working in a cloud-based environment.

What are you waiting for?

Final Words

We discussed above how an all-inclusive business platform can save you time and money. Apart from that, it also improves your marketing, campaign performance, and profitability.

The benefits of switching to an all-inclusive platform are not limited to this. Check out the numerous other features that the DashClicks white label platform offers, especially the ones that can boost your online business. Give us a call and let us know the kind of solutions you are looking for, today!

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