Building a positive brand image is at the core of every business's success. It is crucial as it heavily impacts a customer's buying decision.
Most of the marketing and branding happen online, so customer reviews on Google and social media take center stage when building your brand image. Reading an average of ten reviews is what it takes for a customer to trust a local business. It has also become commonplace because of the increasing marketing noise.
Since it is strongly linked to your sales, you should religiously monitor your online reputation. It is easier said than done because much of it is out of your control. However, there are specific tools to make your life easier while managing your reputation and protecting your brand online.
This article discusses DashClicks' reputation management tool and how you can use this tool to protect your brand.
What Is Brand Reputation Management?
Customers' perception is so crucial to your brand's success that we need an entire process and a strategic action plan to manage it, and that is called brand reputation management. Its objective is to improve your brand image, primarily focusing on social listening, customer reviews, and brand mentions on Google and social media.
It is a continuous process; you need to work on it to know the market pulse and identify the scope of improvement in your products and services. A strong brand image leads to customer loyalty, a highly desired business metric, as it's directly linked with repeat sales, revenue, word-of-mouth publicity, and growth. Damage control, firefighting, and maintaining communications with your customers are some critical activities you need to perform to protect your brand.

What's Brand Safety?
Brand safety is mainly concerned with the appropriateness of content distributed by the brand, including advertisements, marketing messages, and all other types of content shared by brands.
Brands should exercise caution while creating content and choosing where it is being shared, such as ad space. You must ensure that the content or its placement is not associated with any negative consumer opinion. Brand safety is similar to reputation management and is its subset. So, brand safety is a broader part of brand reputation management.
How Does DashClicks' Reputation Management App Work?
Managing brand reputation across different channels can be a daunting task. DashClicks' reputation management app helps you in different ways.
A. Manage Your Reviews
First, it compiles all your business reviews and brings them to a single dashboard so you can effortlessly manage them. You can also track your ratings and publish replies using just one platform.
B. Manage Your Review Page
DashClicks' app also allows you to share your public review page with other customers across the globe. This, in turn, will bring more feedback and reviews.
C. Reputation Reporting
You can track your best review sources, average rating, and peak performance months anytime-anywhere with DashClicks' reporting dashboard.
Watch this video to know more about this feature.
D. Reply to Reviews From the Same Dashboard
DashClicks lets you communicate with customers from every review source, such as Google and social media, and leave replies. It's suitable for instant damage control, explanations, and customer retention efforts.
E. Invite Customers to Leave Reviews
With DashClicks' reputation management app, you can invite customers to leave business reviews by sending carefully designed emails and SMS messages with one button. It will help you boost your reputation.
Watch this video to know more.
How to Manage Your Reputation With DashClicks' Reputation Management App?
The reputation management app manages online reviews from different third-party sources. Online reviews form a significant part of online reputation management.
At present, DashClicks deals with Google My Business reviews and Facebook reviews.
Once you add your Google My Business and Facebook account to your DashClicks app, you can track your metrics from within the reputation app, leave replies, and like reviews. Usually, businesses have to log into different platforms to manage their reviews, which makes it quite hectic.
How to Access the Reputation App?
Open the app drawer on the top right corner in your DashClicks Dashboard and click on the Reputation App.

Watch this video to know more.
How to Navigate the Reputation App?
As you open the Reputation App, you can easily find a tab, My Reviews. Since you are using the app for the first time, you'll be prompted to connect your first review source.
Once you successfully add the source, the app will start checking your reviews.
It will look something like this:
My Reviews

Here, you can see the reviews just like you see them on Amazon, etc. These reviews will be in chronological order with the following information.
- The profile picture of the person
- Name
- The date of the review
- The actual review and
- Your reply, if any
This information is sufficient for you to manage your reviews.
However, you can't retrieve the usernames or profile pictures for any of the reviews on Facebook due to Facebook's Privacy Policy. They will display as "Facebook User" along with a generic icon.

You can see that the user's actual name and profile picture will appear in this place for all the reviews from a platform other than Facebook.
How to Reply to a Review?
Locate the empty text box available for you to write your reply to the review. Press the Reply button, and your response will be automatically posted to the platform. If you want to spot the reviews that haven't received replies, look for the red Pending Response text.

Flag reviews as positive/negative within the reputation app, with a green or red highlight running along the left side of the review box.

Use the options available in the left column to sort the reviews.
Go to Status>> Sort your reviews by clicking Needs Response. This feature helps you in locating reviews that require a reply.
Identify the Poor Ratings
Look for the rating in the above screenshot. Here you can sort by star ratings or like/dislike. Most platforms utilize star ratings, while Facebook uses thumbs up and thumbs down.
You can also filter your reviews by source.
To know more, watch this video.
Watch this video to integrate Facebook reviews.
Here is all the information summarised in an infographic -

Final Thoughts
Managing reviews and online reputation is no easy feat. It involves tedious monitoring, tracking, and damage control. DashClicks' reputation management app is designed to address these woes of marketers.
You can quickly deploy the app through DashClicks Dashboard. You can also enjoy its fantastic reporting features. Most online reviews are posted on Google and Facebook, and DashClicks' App is designed to manage all the reviews on these platforms from a single dashboard.