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9 Ways for Agencies to Sell More Clients on PPC

9 Ways for Agencies to Sell More Clients on PPC

Are you an agency looking for the best way to persuade potential clients to invest in PPC (pay-per-click) ads? If so, this post is for you! With more companies increasingly recognizing the value of digital marketing and investing in online ads, now is the perfect time to discuss how agencies can take advantage of this trend and help their clients get the most out of their campaigns.

In this blog post, we share nine proven strategies any agency can use to sell more PPC services and increase conversions on each client's ad efforts.

Read on to find out our top tips when pitching powerful yet cost-efficient PPC context and start seeing results with your clients today!

1. Educate Your Clients About the Benefits of PPC Advertising

Are you struggling to get your business noticed online? Look no further than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. By utilizing PPC, you can gain the attention of your target audience, increase website traffic, and improve your search engine rankings.

Not only that, but it allows you to target specific demographics and locations, ensuring that your ad dollars are well-spent. PPC advertising also provides invaluable data and insights into your audience's behavior and the effectiveness of your ads.

Image Source: ReliableSoft

With so many benefits, it's time to educate yourself and your clients on the power of PPC advertising.

2. Maximize Lead Generation and Sales With PPC

PPC advertising is a powerful tool for lead generation and sales, serving as a conduit between your client's products or services and their target audience. As potential customers use search engines to find products or services similar to what your clients offer, PPC advertisements can position their business at the top of these search results, increasing visibility and click-through rates.

More than just drawing traffic, PPC allows precision targeting, meaning the traffic drawn is of higher quality these are the users who are actively searching for, and are more likely to purchase, your clients' offerings.

Coupled with an optimized landing page, PPC can lead to higher conversion rates, translating into increased sales. Businesses make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend in AdWords. So, not only does PPC generate leads, but it also contributes directly to the bottom line. Convey this to your clients to emphasize the tangible, monetary benefits of investing in PPC.

3. Track ROI and Customer Engagement With PPC Ads

Investing in PPC advertising provides the added benefit of trackable and measurable results. With the help of Google AdWords and Google Analytics, agencies can track the cost, profits, views, clicks, visits, and various other details about a PPC campaign.

It allows for a clear demonstration of Return on Investment (ROI) to clients. For example, if a client spends $200 on a campaign and generates $800 in sales, the ROI is a robust 300%.

Moreover, PPC also enables agencies to monitor and analyze user engagement. By utilizing the robust analytics available, you can gain insights into who’s clicking, what they’re engaging with, and if they’re converting.

This data can then be used to optimize future campaigns, refine targeting, and improve overall advertising strategy. Sharing these insights with your clients validates the effectiveness of PPC advertising and fosters a culture of transparency and trust, strengthening your agency-client relationship.

4. Understanding Different PPC Campaign Types

Different PPC campaign types serve different purposes and understanding which to use when can significantly improve your clients' results.

  • Search Campaigns are commonly used and highly effective for lead generation. They place your clients' ads in search results when users search for relevant PPC keyword research, making them an excellent choice for businesses looking to reach customers with high purchase intent.
  • Shopping Campaigns are perfect for e-commerce businesses. These ads include product information - images, prices, and business name - and appear in Google Shopping results and search engine results pages, providing users with a glance at what your clients have to offer.
  • Display Campaigns mainly focus on brand awareness and reach. They take the form of banner ads that appear on websites within Google’s Display Network. These ads can be targeted based on demographics, interests, or even specific websites that your client's potential customers might frequent.
  • Video Campaigns, as the name suggests, involve video ads that appear before, during, or after videos on YouTube and across Google's Display Network. These ads can significantly boost brand awareness and recall, making them excellent for businesses looking to increase their brand visibility.
  • Remarketing Campaigns are designed to target users who have previously interacted with your client's website or mobile app. They allow your clients to strategically position their ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, helping to increase the likelihood of conversion.

5. Leverage Automated Bidding Strategies for Maximum Efficiency

Automated bidding strategies, such as Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (ECPC) and Target Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA), offer a significant advantage by optimizing your clients' bidding process, thereby maximizing efficiency.

ECPC uses machine learning to adjust your bids in real time for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion result on your website. On the other hand, the Target CPA sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition set by your client.

These strategies minimize manual intervention, reduce potential human error, and save a significant amount of time, allowing agencies to focus on other crucial aspects of PPC campaigns like creative development and strategy implementation. Furthermore, they provide a more efficient use of ad spend by optimizing bids based on detailed data analysis, which would be time-consuming and complex to perform manually.

Image Source: Advalyze

Sharing the benefits of these automated bidding strategies with your clients will strengthen their trust in your agency's sophisticated approach and demonstrate a commitment to driving greater results.

6. Target the Right Customers With Audiences and Keywords

A crucial component of a successful PPC campaign is reaching the right audience. With PPC advertising, you can leverage sophisticated targeting capabilities, like 'audiences' and 'keywords', to ensure your clients' ads reach the most relevant customers.

Audiences in PPC allow you to group users based on specific criteria such as their demographics, interests, search behavior, or previous interactions with your clients' websites. For example, you can target an audience of users who have visited your clients' websites but did not make a purchase - a group known as 'remarketing lists for search ads' (RLSA). It enables your clients to serve tailored ads to customers who have already shown interest in their products or services, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Keywords are the terms that users input into search engines. By bidding on specific keywords relevant to your client's business, you can ensure their ads appear in the search engine results when these terms are queried.

For instance, if your client is a clothing retailer, bidding on keywords like 'women's summer dresses' or 'men's leather jackets' will position their ads in front of users actively searching for these items. This level of precision in reaching customers with high purchase intent can significantly boost click-through and conversion rates.

In essence, the ability to utilize 'audiences' or 'keywords' facilitates more precise ad placement, ensuring your clients' ads are seen by the users most likely to convert. It optimizes ad spend and maximizes the effectiveness of your client's PPC campaigns.

7. Analyze Competitor's Ad Campaigns for Potential Opportunities

One of the most effective strategies to enhance your clients' PPC campaigns is to analyze the ad campaigns of their competitors. By understanding what strategies and tactics their competitors are employing, you can identify potential opportunities and gaps your clients could exploit.

For example, you could look at the keywords that competitors are bidding on, the ad copy they are using, their landing pages, and even their offers. Tools such as Google's Auction Insights, SEMRush, or SpyFu can provide valuable insights into your competitors' PPC campaigns.

When analyzing competitor keywords, pay attention to those driving traffic to their sites. These could be potential keywords that your clients could bid on. Additionally, studying competitors' ad copy can inspire your clients' ads, helping them craft compelling messages that stand out. Reviewing competitors' landing pages can also highlight aspects that your clients could incorporate or improve upon in their landing pages.

Furthermore, keeping an eye on competitors' promotions or offers can help your clients develop competitive counter-offers. Ultimately, competitor analysis helps your clients stay ahead of the digital marketing trends and make informed decisions to maximize the success of their PPC campaigns.

8. Harness the Power of Remarketing for Retargeting Interested Users

Remarketing is a powerful PPC strategy that targets users who have previously interacted with your clients' websites or mobile apps. By using cookies or pixel tags, you can track users who visit your client's sites, and then you can use this information to serve them more personalized ads as they browse other sites within Google's Display Network or even when they search for related keywords on Google.

For example, if a user visits your client's online store and views a certain product but doesn't make a purchase, remarketing ads allows you to show them ads for that specific product or similar items as they continue their online browsing.

This strategy helps to keep your clients' brand top of mind for users who have already shown interest in their products or services, thereby increasing the chances of eventual conversion. Remarketing is especially beneficial for businesses with longer sales cycles or those that sell higher-value products, as these typically require a customer to think more carefully before making a purchase.

9. Experiment With Different Ads for Optimal Campaign Success

One of the most effective ways to optimize your PPC campaigns for maximum success is through ad testing. It involves creating multiple versions of your ads with different elements - such as headlines, descriptions, call-to-action phrases, or even landing pages - and then monitoring their performance to see which version generates the best results.

This process, also known as A/B testing or split testing, enables you to understand which ad elements resonate most with your target audience and lead to higher click-through and conversion rates.

Image Source: ActiveCampaign

Testing different ads also allows for continuous improvement and refinement of your PPC campaigns. As you identify the top-performing ads, you can incorporate their successful elements into future ads, constantly enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Moreover, regular ad testing keeps your campaigns fresh and relevant, as you can adjust your ads based on seasonality, changes in consumer behavior, or new PPC trends in your industry.

Ultimately, by testing different ads, you can ensure that every dollar of your clients' PPC budget is invested in the most effective advertisements. It improves campaign performance and demonstrates your commitment to delivering the best possible results for your clients.

With a robust suite of white label PPC services, DashClicks can significantly augment your advertising efforts. Our team of expert strategists and PPC professionals will work closely with your business to design and implement highly effective PPC campaigns. We use advanced targeting techniques, including audience and keyword targeting, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant customers.

We leverage automated bidding strategies such as ECPC and Target CPA to maximize efficiency, helping your ad spend to deliver the best possible return on investment. With our sophisticated analytics capabilities, we provide transparent reporting, demonstrating the effectiveness of your PPC initiatives.

We also harness the power of remarketing to strategically position your ads in front of audiences who have previously interacted with your website or mobile app. Our team performs continuous ad testing, refining your campaigns for optimal results. Moreover, we conduct a thorough analysis of your competitors' ad campaigns, identifying potential opportunities for your business.

With DashClicks, you can rest assured that your PPC campaigns are tailored to achieve your specific business objectives, driving traffic, increasing conversions, and ultimately boosting sales.

In Conclusion

PPC advertising has become an essential digital marketing tool used to reach your target audience and drive conversions. You can personalize the campaigns for each client to maximize success, making sure that all elements of their campaigns are properly optimized.

Don’t underestimate the power of PPC advertising it could be the key to driving more leads and sales for your clients. However, appropriate management techniques are necessary to deliver these desired results. You must conduct a thorough analysis before deciding which strategies are best suited for each client's individual needs.

If you’re new to PPC, get help from experienced professionals - they will be able to provide invaluable advice on how to create and optimize your campaigns in the best possible way. So don’t wait any longer start leveraging the power of PPC advertising today!

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